Monday-Tuesday: Play Farming Game (students are recording income, expenses, etc in their individual game packet as they play the game)
Students are playing the game for 15 years. After fifteen years whoever has the highest income, wins.
2nd Period: Wildlife Management
Monday-Tuesday: Students will be working on Scholarships ( and scholarships)
Monday-Tuesday: Students will be working on Scholarships ( and scholarships)
3rd Period: 7th Grade Study Skills
Monday: Homework, read, study for quizzes/tests
Tuesday: Homework, read, study for tests/quizzes
4th Period: Plant Science
Monday-Tuesday: Plant Cell Model Activity
Course: Plant Science Name __________________
Unit: Cells
Lesson: Cell Model
Objective: Construct a plant cell model giving each cell part a job.
Create a cell model giving it a theme such as a city, theme park, hotel, water
park, factory etc. Draw the building or park and label the different parts of the plant cell parts.
Use construction paper, markers, crayons and colored pencils to construct a
cell model.
Each cell part needs to have a job related to the theme of your cell.
Example- Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it would be the power source for the hotel.
The following cell parts must be included: Cell wall, vacuole, cell membrane, cytoplasm (cytosol), chloroplast, nucleolus, nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Glogi complex, cytoskeleton
Include a description of each part and how it relates to your theme.
Size requirement- 12 x 18
Use the whole page and color!
5th Period: Advanced Agriculture
Monday-Tuesday: Ag Issues Project
Agricultural Issues Requirements
Issue Topics- use one topic to focus your issue
Environmental Issues
Agricultural Technology Issues
Animal Issues
Agricultural Career Issues
Economy and Trade Issues
Agricultural Policy Issues
Food Safety Issues
Must be current information
Create a Portfolio with the following
- Cover Page with title of issue, date and names
- Two page minimum of issue summary answer these questions
o Why is this issue important now?
o What is the nature of the issue?
o Who is involved in the issue?
o How can the issue be defined?
o What is the historical background of the issue?
o What caused the issue?
o What are the risks?
o What are the benefits?
o Is there strong disagreement on the issue?
- Bibliography of all resources used
Minimum of 5 minutes and maximum of 15 minutes
Each individual must participate in the presentation
Include media/visual aid
Questions time at the end of the presentation (does not count for presentation time)
7th Period: Forestry
Monday-Tuesday: Montana Trees Project
Montana Trees Project
Description: To get us familiar with the popular tree species in Montana, each of you will research and create a visual aid for 4 different trees. It is your choice how you want to present the information-whether that is a PowerPoint, Prezi, poster or any other creative visual aid you can think of.
Requirements for project:
o Name of tree: Both common and scientific names with picture of tree
o Description of tree with picture: Height, trunk type, crown description, uses, type of environment it thrives in, where in MT is it found? Any other important facts you find
o Description of leaves/needles with picture: size, shape, color, etc.
o Description of cones with picture: size, shape, color, description of seeds
oDescription of bark with picture: color, thick/thin
o Sources: websites, books, encyclopedia, magazine, etc.
*Must have at least 3 or more sources!
Helpful Sources:
Rubric For Montana Trees Project
Name of Tree 5pts. x 4………………………………………………………………….. /20
Description of Tree 10pts. x 4……………………………………………………….. /40
Description of leaves/needles 10pts. x 4………………………………………… /40
Description of cones 10 pts. x 4……………………………………………………… /40
Description of bark 10pts x 4………………………………………………………… /40
Sources (at least 3) 5pts x4……………………………………………………………. /20
Presentation (clarity of voice, volume, eye contact) 10 pts……………….. /10
Total……………………………………………………………………………………… /210