Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30-December 4

1st Period Ag 2
Monday: Turkey Hunting Project
Tuesday: Turkey Hunting Project
Wednesday: Turkey Hunting Project- Due Today 
Thursday: Ag Article Review
Friday: Shop Safety

2nd Period Ag 4
Monday: Ag Article Review
Tuesday: Prepare chicken coop for chicks (food, water, shavings, heat lamp, etc.)
Wednesday-Friday: Poultry Production

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag 
Monday-Friday: Computer Lab: Virtual Tours Tab (various activities and lessons within this website)

5th Period Ag 3
Monday: Ag Article Review
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-acetylene Welding. By the end of this week each student should have a pad full of flat beads with and without rod

6th Period 8th Grade Ag 
Monday-Friday: Computer Lab: Livestock Project
Project Due on Friday

7th Period Ag 1
Monday: Ag Article Review
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-acetylene Welding. By the end of this week each student should have a pad full of flat beads with and without rod

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23-26

1st Period Ag 2:
Monday: Turkey Hunting Project
Tuesday: Guest Speaker: Wildlife Biologist
Wednesday-Friday: No School

2nd Period Ag 4:
Monday: Chicken Coop Construction
Tuesday: Guest Speaker: Wildlife Biologist
Wednesday-Friday: No School

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag:
Monday: activities
Tuesday: Guest Speaker: Wildlife Biologist
Wednesday-Friday: No School

5th Period Ag 3:
Monday: Welding and individual metal projects
Tuesday: Welding and individual metal projects
Wednesday-Friday: No School

6th Period 8th Grade Ag:
Monday: Livestock Project
Tuesday: Livestock Project
Wednesday-Friday: No School

7th Period Ag 1:
Monday: Welding and individual metal projects
Tuesday: Welding and individual metal projects
Wednesday-Friday: No School

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 16-20

1st Period Ag 2
Monday: Weekly Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Turkey Hunting project (for each state in the US students will be researching the following questions: 1.) What is the wild turkey subspecies?   2.) When is the hunting season? Specific dates if available.  3.) What is the cost of a turkey tag for a resident and non-resident.   4.) Is there a limit? If so, how many turkey's?

2nd Period Ag 4
Monday: Weekly Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Chicken Coop Construction

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag 
Monday and Tuesday: Finish watching Ivy League Farmer
Wednesday-Friday: Research Assignments
Name: __________________________________

  1. Go to
  2. After the introduction, click on Farm & Fun Food  
  3. Click on Ag’s Cool, then click on Commodities (located on the red barn)
  4. Click on the Beef Cattle and read about the product
  5. Complete the Beef Quiz  
  6. Click on the Eggs and read about the product
  7. Complete the Egg Quiz
  8. Click on the Soybeans and read about the product
  9. Complete the Soybean Quiz

5th Period Ag 3
Monday: Weekly Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene Welding and individual metal projects

6th Period 8th Grade Ag 
Monday and Tuesday: Finish watching Ivy League Farmer
Wednesday-Friday: Livestock Project

Livestock Project
Directions: Each of you will choose a DIFFERENT livestock animal and will then create a PowerPoint, Prezi or poster that will include information and pictures.
Requirements for project
Type of animal with picture
Where the animal originated with picture
Do we raise this animal in Montana? If so, where in Montana and an average amount
What state/states raise the most of your animal? Include picture
What does your animal eat? Include pictures
What is the purpose of your animal? What products/food does it provide? Include pictures
What are your animals predators? Include pictures
What is the gestation period of your animal? Include picture
What type of shelter does your animal need? Include picture
Include the following terms: un-castrated male, castrated male, female that has had babies, female that has not had babies, young (under a year) animal
List 5 of the common breeds of your animal. Include pictures
Include any interesting facts you have found while researching your animal

**If you choose to do a poster, information must be typed out and printed. Pictures and information must have a backing (construction paper) and you must have a title.
**PowerPoints and Prezis should have a title slide at the beginning of your presentation. Must be colorful (cannot have white backgrounds).
***Grading: Each bullet above is worth 10 points (10 x 12 = 120 points total)

7th Period Ag 1
Monday: Weekly Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene Welding and individual metal projects

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 9-13

1st Period Ag 2

Monday: latitude Longitide and Legal Land Description (Review and practice problems) 
Tuesday: Latitude and Longitude Review
Wednesday: Practical application with map (legal land description)
Thursday-Friday: Documentary: Food Inc.

2nd Period Ag 4
Monday-Friday: Record egg incubator data and construct chicken coop

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag

Monday-Wednesday: Horse and Livestock Judging (students will be judging classes of horses and livestock as well as writing and  giving oral reasons)
Thursday-Friday:  Ivy League Farmer

5th Period Ag 3
Monday-Wednesday: Oxy-Acetylene welding (flat beads with and without rod)
Thursday-Friday: Documentary: Farmland 

6th Period 8th Grade Ag
Monday: Import/Export Lesson
Tuesday: Import/Export Lesson
Wednesday-Friday: Ivy League Farmer 

7th Period Ag 1
Monday-Wednesday: Oxy-Acetylene welding (flat beads with and without rod)
Thursday-Friday: Documentary: Farmland

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 2-6

1st Period Ag 2

Monday: Ag Article Review 
Tuesday-Thursday: Ag Mechanics Unit
Friday: Guest Speaker Allison Kolbe, Wildlife Biologist: Latitude and longitude coordinates and legal land description lesson

2nd Period Ag 4
Monday: Ag Article Review
Tuesday: Place eggs in incubator and record observations
Wednesday: Record incubator data/chicken coop list of materials needed
Thursday: Record incubator data/Lesson: the incubation process/stages of egg development
Friday: Record incubator data

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag

Monday: The fundamentals of Horse Evaluation
Tuesday: The fundamentals of Horse Evaluation
Wednesday: Junior High Olweus Meeting
Thursday: Horse Evaluation practice 
Friday: Horse Evaluation practice 

5th Period Ag 3
Monday: Ag Article Review
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene welding (flat beads with and without rod)

6th Period 8th Grade Ag
Monday: Present Montana County Ag Maps
Tuesday: Present Montana County Ag Maps
Wednesday: Pumpkin Patch (read article and complete worksheet)
Thursday: Pumpkin Patch (read article and complete worksheet)
Friday: Import/Export Lesson

7th Period Ag 1
Monday: Ag Article Review
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene welding (flat beads with and without rod)