Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 30-September 2

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture

Tuesday: Signed Syllabus Due
"About Me" Project

“This Makes Me Feel” PowerPoint Presentation
Directions:  You will create a PowerPoint with words and pictures to tell the class a little bit about yourself and your interests.
This makes me happy
This makes me sad
This makes me tap my toes and sing along
This makes me scared
This makes me proud
This makes me cry
This makes me laugh
This makes me motivated
This makes me tired
This makes me cranky
This makes me hungry (favorite food)
This makes me excited
This makes me colorful (favorite color)
This makes me feel adventurous (place you would like to travel to)
This makes me feel like an animal (favorite animal)
This makes me feel grown up (what you want to be when you grow up)

This makes me feel studious (favorite subject/class in school)

Wednesday: Work on "About Me" PowerPoints
Thursday: Work on "About Me" PowerPoints
Friday: Present "About Me" PowerPoints

2nd Period: Floriculture

Tuesday: Signed Syllabus Due  Present "About Me" PowerPoints
Wednesday: The History of Floral Design page 19-29
Students will each choose time periods to create an educational poster to share with the rest of the class.  Poster will include: time period name, take away message and a picture
Thursday: History of Floral Design Posters
Friday: History of Floral Design posters

3rd Period: Animal Science 

Tuesday:Signed Syllabus Due Animal Science Scavenger Hunt
Wednesday: Animal Science Scavenger Hunt
Thursday: Animal Science Scavenger Hunt
Friday: Scientific Method Review

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Tuesday:Signed Syllabus Due
Chapter 28: Metal Properties and Identification
Answer "Test your Knowledge" Questions 1-20 page 653
Wednesday: Review answers to Questions 1-20 page 653 
Chapter 29: Heat Treatment of Metals
Answer "Test your Knowledge" Questions 1-20 page 669
Thursday: Chapter 29: Heat Treatment of Metals
Review answers to Questions 1-20 page 669
Friday: Review Chapter 28 and 29

6th Period: Ag Woods

Tuesday: Signed Syllabus Due
Chapter 2: Careers and Employability Skills
Answer Questions 1-11 on page 40
Choose 2 ag careers that interest you and research the: license/certification required, schooling required, entry level wages, and explain why you are interested in the career (3-5 sentences).
Wednesday: Questions 1-11 Review
Introduction to Woods (page 35-51)
Thursday: Introduction to Woods
Friday: Introduction to Woods

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Tuesday:Signed Syllabus Due
Greenhouse Structures Project: Students will work in small groups and research 2 types of greenhouse structures from the following list: quonset, gothic arch, even span, uneven span, lean to, attached, culvilinear, dome shaped
Greenhouse Structure Project
Directions:  Create a PowerPoint or Prezi answering the following questions
1.)              Describe the structure in detail
a.     What does it look like?

2.)             Picture of greenhouse

3.)             What are the pros and cons of your structure?

4.)             Is it ideal for our Ag program? Could we build it at WSS High School?

5.)             Cost? Estimate of cost of materials

6.)             Materials used to build structure

7.)             Who/what type of businesses utilize this structure? Where would you most commonly see them?

8.)             What type of plants are commonly grown in this structure?

9.)             What type of climate does this greenhouse do best in?

Wednesday: Greenhouse Structures Project
Thursday: Greenhouse Structures Project
Friday: Present PowerPoints (students will take notes as classmates present their PowerPoints)