Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9-13

1st Period Ag I
Monday: Lesson 7.2: Biofuels: Students are each assigned (in groups of 2) sections of this chapter and will be learning the material and teaching the class about their section
Tuesday: Prepare Biofuel teaching lesson
Wednesday:  Prepare Biofuel Teaching lesson
Thursday-Friday: Teach Biofuel lessons

2nd Period Ag IV
Monday: Airplane Competition for distance (material: paper)
Airplane Construction (paper, cardboard, styrofoam, card stock and paper) Students will be fabricating airplanes out of the listed material and will test their airplanes for the following categories: Distance, accuracy, hang time, acrobatics, and design.
Tuesday: Airplane Competition for acrobatics (material: paper)
Wednesday: Airplane Competition for Accuracy (material: paper or cardstock)
Thursday: Airplane Competition for hang time (material: paper or cardstock)
Friday: Judge all airplanes for best design

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag
Monday- Friday: Wood shop individual projects (this is the last week in the shop: projects due Friday)

5th Period Ag III
Monday: Work on rough draft
Tuesday: Work on rough draft
Wednesday: Rough Draft due today
Thursday: Work on Final Draft
Friday: Work on Final Draft: DUE TODAY

Requirements for paper:
·       Choose an agricultural issue that you can find plenty of information and research on. Preferably one that interests you.
·       Background/history of the issue (how long has it been an issue?)
·       Describe the issue. Go into detail about the issue you chose.
·       Why is your issue a problem?
·       What caused the issue?
·       What is being done to resolve or fix the issue?
·       Provide in-text citation from your sources
·       Why did you choose this issue?
·       Provide your opinion on the issue. Do you agree or disagree with what is being done in regards to the issue? Do you have any suggestions of something else that could be done?

Points Possible
5 pages double spaced, 12 pt font

Cover Page (title, name, date, class, period)
*Does not count toward 5 pages

Works Cited Page (6 credible sources APA format)
*Does not count toward 5 pages

Works Cited (in-text citation)

Content (did you include all of the bullet points from above?)

Opinion (did you include your opinion?)

Sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation


6th Period 8th Grade Ag
Monday- Friday: Wood shop individual projects (this week is the last week in the shop; projects due on Friday)

7th Period Ag I
Monday- Friday: Wood and metal shop individual projects (this week is the last week in the shop; projects due on Friday)

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2- 6

1st Period Ag I
Monday: Parliamentary Procedure discussion
Tuesday: Juniors ACT Testing
Wednesday: Parliamentary Procedure Discussion
Thursday-Friday: Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Lesson 7.2: Biofuels. Read page 320-328 Answer Questions 1-18 on page 329 and 1-10 on page 330

2nd Period Ag IV
Monday-Thursday: Airplane Construction (paper, cardboard, styrofoam, card stock and paper) Students will be fabricating airplanes out of the listed material and will test their airplanes for the following categories: Distance, accuracy, hang time, acrobatics, and design.

Friday: Test airplanes

3rd Period 7th Grade Ag
Monday- Friday: Wood shop individual projects

5th Period Ag III
Monday: Agricultural Issues Report: Choose Topic
Tuesday: Research Day
Wednesday: Research Day
Thursday: Work on Paper
Friday: Work on Paper

Requirements for paper:
·       Choose an agricultural issue that you can find plenty of information and research on. Preferably one that interests you.
·       Background/history of the issue (how long has it been an issue?)
·       Describe the issue. Go into detail about the issue you chose.
·       Why is your issue a problem?
·       What caused the issue?
·       What is being done to resolve or fix the issue?
·       Provide in-text citation from your sources
·       Why did you choose this issue?
·       Provide your opinion on the issue. Do you agree or disagree with what is being done in regards to the issue? Do you have any suggestions of something else that could be done?

Points Possible
5 pages double spaced, 12 pt font

Cover Page (title, name, date, class, period)
*Does not count toward 5 pages

Works Cited Page (6 credible sources APA format)
*Does not count toward 5 pages

Works Cited (in-text citation)

Content (did you include all of the bullet points from above?)

Opinion (did you include your opinion?)

Sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation


6th Period 8th Grade Ag
Monday- Friday: Wood shop individual projects

7th Period Ag I
Monday- Friday: Wood and metal shop individual projects