Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 31-November 4

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: FFA New Horizons Fall 2014 Edition. Read page 32 "Pumpkin Patch"

Discuss the following questions:
1.) Which states produce the top pumpkins? What might these states have in common that causes them to be the top producers?
2.) What is a gourd? Why are pumpkins considered gourds?
3.) Why do you think pumpkin-flavored foods and drinks have become so popular in recent years?
How can this be used to the advantage of the industry of agriculture?
4.) Tradition says that pumpkins can be used to cure snake bites. What other fruits or vegetables have similar "old wives tales" associated with them?

Complete the "Pokin' Around the Pumpkin Patch" activity sheet.

"All About the Pumpkin" video

Tuesday-Friday: Montana County Ag Project

Montana County Ag Project
Description: Montana’s number 1 industry is agriculture and we rank #2 in the US with lands in farms and ranches-which totals nearly 61 million acres! To discover more about Montana’s agriculture industry each of you will research and create a “county ag map” for 3 different counties. To make it fair, I have decided that I will create a map for Meagher County. This is a chance for you to learn about the different agriculture in Montana as well as express your creative side!
Requirements for project:
□□□Name of county
□□□Outline of county map
□□□Pictures/symbols of main agricultural products: Either drawn or printed out and must have color!
□□□ Key/Legend: Describes what each picture/symbol represents
□□□ Statistics: How much of each crop is grown/produced?  What are the numbers of livestock raised? How does your county rank in comparison to other counties in Montana? Amount of money the county makes off of agricultural products. Any other stats/interesting facts you find that relate to agriculture in your county.
□□□ Sources: Websites, articles, newspaper, journals, books, encyclopedia, etc. Type these sources on a separate piece of paper to be handed in with your final project. You must have at least 3 sources!

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Plant ID Notebook
Tuesday: Unit 4 questions on page 54 and begin questions 4 and 6 on page 53
Wednesday: Questions 4 and 6 on page 53
Thursday: Come up with a list of questions to ask our local florist
Friday: Tentative visit to the Garden Shop

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Livestock Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
Tuesday: Pre Lab for Pig Dissection Lab (Introduction and procedures)
Wednesday-Friday: Pig Dissection Lab

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: Clean Oxy-Acetylene stations
Chapter 5: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Equipment and Supplies
Tuesday: Chapter 5: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Equipment and Supplies
Questions 1-20
Wednesday: Chapter 6: Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Thursday: Chapter 6: Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Friday: Chapter 6: Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Questions 1-20

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday:-Friday: Work on individual wood shop projects
**Projects due Friday 

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Plant ID Notebooks (5 entries)
Tuesday: What is Horticulture? Understanding Horticulture PowerPoint and guided notes
Wednesday: Plant Anatomy and Physiology PowerPoint and Guided Notes
Thursday: Plant Anatomy and Physiology PowerPoint and Guided Notes  
Friday: Review sheet for understand horticulture, plant anatomy and physiology Quiz

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 24-28

1st Period Junior High Agriculture

Monday: Discuss where ingredients come from for the following recipes: Pumpkin spice cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies
Tuesday-Wednesday: We will be discussing the production  of pumpkins (FFA New Horizons article and worksheet), cocoa beans, sugar cane and sugar beets, vanilla bean, and various spices.
Thursday: Bake chocolate chip cookies
Friday: Bake pumpkin spice and red velvet cupcakes

2nd Period Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebook
Tuesday: Unit 4: Selection of cut flowers and greens ( read Unit page 49-52)
Wednesday: Unit 4: Selection of cut flowers and greens (answer questions on page 54
Thursday-Friday: Complete questions 4 and 6 on page 53

3rd Period Animal Science 

Monday: Finish Reproductive Quiz
Tuesday: Clean Chicken coop
Wednesday-Friday: Respiratory/Circulation Systems (PowerPoint and guided notes)

5th Period Ag Welding 

Monday: No Class
Tuesday-Friday: Oxy-acetylene welding: flat beads with and without rod, T-welds and lap welds

6th Period Ag Woods 

Monday: No Class
Tuesday-Friday: Individual wood shop projects (ice house, birdhouses, tables)

7th Period Greenhouse Management  

Monday: No Class
Tuesday: Present Greenhouse Structure Projects
Wednesday: Plant ID Notebooks (students will learn about 5 plants a week and record information in their notebooks: scientific name, common name, plant characteristics and a picture of the plant)
Thursday-Friday: Horticulture Unit (what is Horticulture?) PowerPoint and notes

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 17-21

1st Period: JH Agriculture

Monday: FFA New Horizons "This Job's For the Birds"
Tuesday: Wheat in Montana Lesson
Wednesday: Wheat In Montana Lesson
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebook, Finish coloring flowers
Tuesday-Wednesday: Unit 4: Selection of cut flowers and greens
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday-Tuesday: Reproduction Review
Wednesday: Reproduction Quiz
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday-Tuesday: Oxy-Acetylene welding beads with and without rod
Wednesday: No School 
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

5th Period:  Ag Woods 

Monday-Tuesday: Individual wood shop projects (ice-house, tables and birdhouses)
Wednesday: No School 
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

1st Period: JH Agriculture

Monday: Greenhouse Structure Project Paper (students have completed the diagrams/drawings/models and are now working on the paper portion of the project)
Tuesday: GH Structure Project Paper-DUE TODAY
Wednesday: No School 
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

Friday, October 7, 2016

October 10-14

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday: Finish presenting Livestock Project Posters
Begin "Animal Terminology" lesson (PowerPoint, discussion and guided notes)
Tuesday: Animal Terminology
Wednesday: Animal Terminology
Thursday: Livestock Judging
Friday: Livestock Judging

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebook (add 5 new plants)
Tuesday: Finish Color Wheel
Wednesday: Use color wheel to color flower arrangements
Thursday: Unit 4: Flower and green cut selection
Friday: Unit 4

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday-Wednesday: Reproduction unit (PowerPoint, discussion and guided notes)
Thursday: Reproduction Review Sheet
Friday: Reproduction Quiz

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene welding flat beads without rod
Plate of flat beads without rod due on Friday

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday-Friday: Students are working in wood shop on individual projects

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday-Friday: Greenhouse Structure building projects
Projects and paper are due on Friday