Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 28-December 2

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture
Monday: Finish Presenting Montana County Ag Projects
Tuesday: Turkey Lesson: learn different parts of a turkey and about the Turkey Industry
Wednesday: Ag Mag: Beef
Thursday: 25 Days of Agriculture (students will each research an interesting Ag Fact that we will read each day until Christmas)
Friday:  Beef Industry in Montana

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Read Unit 14: Constructing Wreaths
Wednesday: Read Unit : Constructing Wreaths
Thursday: Answer questions on page 195
Friday: Create a list of supplies we need to construct our own wreaths

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: Brainstorm ideas for Agri-Science Project
Tuesday-Friday: Genetics Unit (PowerPoint, guided notes, supplemental activities)

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: Reading BluePrints and welding symbols
Review welds to be completed during SMAW
Tuesday: Set up SMAW stations and being welding stringer beads with 6011 rod
Wednesday: Representative from WyoTech will be speaking to the class
Thursday-Friday:  Stringer beads with 6011 and 7018 rod

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Tools in the Wood-shop (review tools and purpose of tools)
Tuesday: Tools in the Wood-shop (review tools and purpose of tools)
Wednesday: WyoTech Representative will be here to talk to the class
Thursday: Tools in the Wood-Shop Quiz
Friday: Drafting of plans for next shop project

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Root Anatomy (PowerPoint and Guided Notes)
Wednesday: Root Anatomy
Thursday: Root Anatomy Review
Friday: Root Anatomy Quiz

November 21-25

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday-Tuesday: Present Montana County Ag Projects
Wednesday-Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Read page 204-206 Thanksgiving Arrangements
Students will then create and draw their own Thanksgiving arrangement (drawing must be colored as well).
Tuesday: Thanksgiving Arrangement Drawing
Wednesday-Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday-Tuesday: Brainstorm ideas for a new Agri-Science experiment (each student will come up with 1-3 experiments we could conduct as a class as well as construct a question and hypothesis for their experiment)
Wednesday-Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: Measuring tools and reading blueprints
Tuesday: Set up SMAW stations and cut pads of  metal for stringer beads
Wednesday-Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Tools in the Wood Shop
Tuesday: Tools in the Wood Shop (correctly ID tools...Quiz next week)
Wednesday-Friday: No School

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Finish FFA New Horizons activity from Friday
Tuesday:  Plant ID Notebook
Wednesday-Friday: No School

Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 14-18

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday-Tuesday: Montana County Ag Project
Wednesday: Present Montana County Ag Projects
Thursday-Friday: FFA New Horizons Activity (read article and complete activity)

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday-Wednesday: Unit 5: Conditioning and Storing Cut Flowers and Greens (read Unit and answer questions on page 66-67)
Job Interview (Resume and Cover Letter)/Livestock Judging preparation
Thursday-Friday: Plant ID Notebooks (FFA Students will be gone with JDAE in Bozeman)

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday-Wednesday: Job Interview (resume and cover letter) /Livestock Judging Preparation
Thursday-Friday: FFA Students gone with JDAE in Bozeman
(FFA New Horizons Activity for the few students that are in class)

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Wednesday: Job Interview (resume and cover letter) /Ag Mechanics Preparation
Thursday-Friday: Students gone with FFA in Bozeman for the JDAE
(FFA New Horizons Activity for the few students that are in class)

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Finish up woodworking projects (ice house, tables, birdhouses)
Tuesday: Clean/organize wood shop
Wednesday: Prepare for Ag Mechanics and Livestock Judging
Thursday: Watch With These Hands: The Story of an American Furniture Factory,199
Students will take 20 notes on this video while watching it. 
Friday: Review about "With These Hands: The Story of an American Furniture Factory"
Students will write a one page single spaced review about the video.

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Plant Anatomy and Physiology PowerPoint and Guided Notes  
Tuesday: Review for Horticulture Quiz
Wednesday: Horticulture Quiz
Job Interview/Horse Judging/Livestock Judging preparation  
Thursday-Friday: Students gone with FFA for the JDAE in Bozeman
(FFA New Horizons Activity for the few students that are in class)

Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 7-11

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday-Friday: Montana County Ag Project

Montana County Ag Project
Description: Montana’s number 1 industry is agriculture and we rank #2 in the US with lands in farms and ranches-which totals nearly 61 million acres! To discover more about Montana’s agriculture industry each of you will research and create a “county ag map” for 3 different counties. To make it fair, I have decided that I will create a map for Meagher County. This is a chance for you to learn about the different agriculture in Montana as well as express your creative side!
Requirements for project:
□□□Name of county
□□□Outline of county map
□□□Pictures/symbols of main agricultural products: Either drawn or printed out and must have color!
□□□ Key/Legend: Describes what each picture/symbol represents
□□□ Statistics: How much of each crop is grown/produced?  What are the numbers of livestock raised? How does your county rank in comparison to other counties in Montana? Amount of money the county makes off of agricultural products. Any other stats/interesting facts you find that relate to agriculture in your county.
□□□ Sources: Websites, articles, newspaper, journals, books, encyclopedia, etc. Type these sources on a separate piece of paper to be handed in with your final project. You must have at least 3 sources!

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Students will ID flowers and flower arrangements in floral magazines and pictures of various bouquets.
Tuesday: Come up with a list of questions to ask our local florist (we will hopefully be visiting the Garden Shop this week).
Unit 5: Conditioning and Storing Cut Flowers and Greens (read Unit)
Wednesday: Finish reading Unit 5 and answer Questions on page 66-67
Thursday-Friday: Unit 6: Mechanics and Supplies Used in Floral Design

3rd Period: Animal Science 
 Pig Dissection Lab

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Tuesday: SMAW Worksheet
Wednesday: Reading and Making Blueprints
Measuring tools used in the metal shop
Thursday: Set up SMAW welding stations
Begin welding stringer beads
Weld stringer beads

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday:-Friday: Work on individual wood shop projects
**Projects due Friday 

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday:  Finish What is Horticulture? Understanding Horticulture PowerPoint and guided notes
Tuesday-Thursday: Plant Anatomy and Physiology PowerPoint and Guided Notes  
Thursday: Plant ID Notebooks (due Friday)
Friday: Review sheet for understand horticulture, plant anatomy and physiology Quiz