Friday, December 14, 2018

December 17-21

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Christmas Arrangements
Tuesday: Christmas Arrangements
Wednesday: Christmas Arrangement Raffle/deliver arrangements to winners
Thursday: Holiday Celebration
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

3rd Period: Animal Science 

Monday: Avian Digestion
Tuesday: Avian Digestion and digestion metaphor project
Wednesday: Digestion metaphor project
Thursday: Holiday Celebration
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed 

Monday-Thursday: Work in shop on projects
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday-Thursday: SMAW and GMAW joints and basketball racks

Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday-Thursday: Wood shop projects (boxes, pedestal and chicken coop)
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Wednesday:Greenhouse Component Group Project
Thursday: Holiday Celebration
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 10-14

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Chapter 3 (read and review)
Tuesday: Chapter 3: Answer questions 1-20 on page 72
Wednesday: Christmas Floral Arrangements
Thursday: Christmas Floral Arrangements
Friday: Read to Elementary students

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday : Chicken wing and leg dissection lab analysis
Tuesday: Chicken wing and leg dissection lab analysis
Wednesday: Avian digestion (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Thursday: Avian digestion (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Friday: Read to Elementary students

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday-Friday: Work in shop on group projects

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday-Friday: SMAW and GMAW joint welds and welding II students are working on basketball racks

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: Dovetail joints by hand (Woods II is working on a chicken coop and pedestal)
Tuesday: Dovetail joints by hand (Woods II is working on a chicken coop and pedestal)
Wednesday and Thursday: Joint of choice practice (Woods II is working on a chicken coop and pedestal)
Friday: Wood types and purposes (hardwood vs softwood).  Choose wood type for next project (Woods I will be making boxes)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: Plant ID
Tuesday-Friday: Greenhouse Component Research Assignment

Greenhouse Component Research Assignment

You and your team will need to research the below greenhouse components and each possible option for each type of component.  (Example:  Four types of greenhouse coverings: Glass, Polyethylene, Fiberglass, Polycarbonate.)  For each option you need to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, include a picture of the component and finally choose what one you will use for your greenhouse model and why.  In addition, each member of the team will need to make an educational poster on one component type.  Each member’s poster should be on a different component.

Component types to be researched:
            Structure Type
            Greenhouse Coverings
            Heating and Cooling/Circulation
            Propagation Benches
            Water and fertilizer systems

Grade Criteria

Seven Components    
            Complete list of possibilities                                     30 pts              _____              _____

            Descriptive Advantages/Disadvantages                     50 pts              _____              _____

            Pictures                                                                       20 pts              _____              _____

            Selection of your component and reasoning              20 pts              _____              _____

            Total                                                                           120 pts             _________________
Educational Value                                                      40 points         _____              _____

Neatness                                                                     10 points         _____              _____

Completeness                                                             10 points         _____              _____

Design/Color                                                              20 points         _____              ____

Simplicity/Accuracy                                                  20 points         _____              _____
                        (20 words or less)  (Includes Spelling)

Total                                                                           100 points                   _________________

Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 26-30th

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: FFA t-shirt designs/AET accounts/scholarship applications and GOLD conference applications
Tuesday and Wednesday: Chapter 5: Postharvest Processing, Conditioning and Storage
Thursday and Friday: Chapter 4: Plant Structures and Functions

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday: AET accounts and clean duck cage
Tuesday: Introduction to Poultry (PowerPoint and guided notes).  Chapter 6: The poultry industry
Wednesday: Finish Chapter 6.  Egg dissection lab
Thursday and Friday: Wing Dissection lab

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed

Monday-Friday: Work in shop on group projects

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday and Tuesday: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 questions
Wednesday-Friday: SMAW plate of flat beads and joint welds (Butt, bevel, T lap and edge)
Welding II students are working on basketball racks

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: Ag Woods I: draw plans and calculate board feet (decide on joints to be used for box)
Ag Woods II: Chicken coop and pedestal
Tuesday-Friday: Work in shop on projects

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Compost lesson: what is composting and why do people do it?
Wednesday: Research what can and cannot be composted as well as the benefits of composting
Thursday and Friday: Plans for our compost bin and assemble our compost bin

Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 19-23

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Thanksgiving arrangement plans (cornucopia) 
Tuesday: Design and make Thanksgiving Cornucopia arrangement
Wednesday: No School
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday-Tuesday: Turkeys (wild and domesticated) we will use several sources (online and textbook) to learn about the history of turkeys as well as interesting facts. Students will create a crossword puzzle that is to be completed by a fellow classmate.
Wednesday: No School
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday and Tuesday: Work in shop with groups on projects
Wednesday: No School
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: Clean Shop, Chapter 5 questions 1-20
Tuesday: Chapter 6 questions 1-20
Wednesday: No School
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

6th Period: Ag Woods 
Monday and Tuesday: Review Chapter 16 and 17
Stain mallets
Wednesday: No School
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Thanksgiving Activities
Wednesday: No School
Thursday: No School
Friday: No School 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 12-16

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday-Wednesday: Agriscience Reports and prep for JDAE
Thursday-Friday: In Bozeman at JDAE for FFA

3rd Period: Animal Science  

Monday-Wednesday: Agriscience Reports and prep for JDAE
Thursday-Friday: Students who are not attending the JDAE will be working on their Agriscience Reports...Due Friday (must be shared to me by the end of the school day on Friday)

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed  

Monday-Friday: Working in shop on Environmental Projects

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Friday:  SMAW (plate of beads, and joint welds...T, bevel, edge and lap)

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Staining Mallets
Tuesday: Staining Mallets and drawing plans
Wednesday: Joint Review
Thursday: Study Joints
Friday: Joint Quiz

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Glue on last panels on greenhouse
Wednesday: Gone on Field Trip with Science
Thursday and Friday: Ag issues/article/current event (find an article related to agriculture and write a 300 word article review)

Monday, November 5, 2018

November 5-9

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday-Thursday: Agri-science reports and JDAE prep 
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday-Thursday: Agri-science experiment and reports and JDAE prep 

Friday: No School

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed 

Monday-Thursday: Working in shop on Environmental positive impact projects 
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday: SMAW fill a plate with beads (both 6013 and 7018) and Basketball racks (welding II) 
Tuesday-Thursday: SMAW joints (lap, edge, Tee, bevel with 6013 and 7018) and basketball racks (Welding II) 
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: Work on Mallets (sanding and staining) 
Tuesday: Chapter 15 (define Vocab and answer questions 1-15 on page 395) 
Wednesday: Chapter 15 and joint discussion 
Thursday: Joint ID quiz 
Friday: No School

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks 
Tuesday: FFA New Horizons Activity (Summer 2018 edition) 
Wednesday and Thursday: Soils lesson 
Friday: No School

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 8-12

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday-Wednesday: AET Accounts, agriscience projects and NILE prep
Thursday: Senior night floral arrangements for volleyball
Friday: Senior night floral arrangements for football

3rd Period: Animal Science  

Monday: AET Accounts, clean duck eggs and work on Agri-science projects
Tuesday: AET Accounts and work on Agri-science projects
Wednesday-Friday: Agri-science projects and NILE prep

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed  

Monday-Friday: Present presentations to stakeholders

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene welding with rod (square and beveled Butt welds)

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday-Friday: Woodshop projects (mallets, corn hole game and chicken coop)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Wednesday: Install greenhouse panels

Thursday: Presentation by 4th period Advanced Tech Ed group (environmental impact project)
Friday: Greenhouse panels

Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 24-28

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: Agri-science projects and Ruby Valley Invitational competition preparation 
Tuesday: Ruby Valley Invitational (Livestock Judging and Soils/Range districts) 
Wednesday: Agri-science projects 
Thursday: Agri-science projects 
Friday: No School 

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Agri-science projects and Ruby Valley Invitational competition preparation 
Tuesday: Ruby Valley Invitational (Livestock Judging and Soils/Range districts) 
Wednesday: Agri-science projects 
Thursday: Agri-science projects 
Friday: No School 

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed 
Monday: Edit Presentations (students are fine tuning their presentations to present to stakeholders) 
Tuesday: Edit Presentations
Wednesday: Present plan presentations 
Thursday: Present plan presentations 
Friday: No School 

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday: Safety tests (welding safety and general shop safety) 
Welding certification presentation (PowerPoint) 
Tuesday-Thursday: Oxy-acetylene welding (plate of beads with and without rod) 
Friday: No School 

6th Period: Ag Woods  
Monday: Safety tests, discuss shop projects 
Tuesday-Wednesday: Draw plans/how to calculate board feet 
Thursday: Begin wood shop projects 
Friday: No School 

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday: GO over greenhouse structure worksheet/install panels on greenhouse/harvest carrots in garden
Tuesday: FFA New Horizons activity 
Wednesday and Thursday: Work in garden and install panels on greenhouse 
Friday: No School 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 17-21

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday and Wednesday: Agri-science projects (working on research and forming question)
Thursday: Agriscience projects and prep for Ruby Valley Invitational Competition
Friday: Read to Elementary students

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: AET Accounts and candle chicken eggs
Tuesday: Edit Animal Farm PowerPoint
Wednesday: Agriscience projects (research and forming question)
Thursday: Agriscience and prep for RVI
Friday: Read to Elementary students

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday-Thursday: Work on presentations for presenting plan to stakeholders

Friday: Presentations due today

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: College fair for Juniors and Seniors
Tuesday: AET Accounts and oxy-acetylene welding worksheet
Wednesday:  Safety (ironworker, chop saw, grinder, bandsaw)
Thursday: Safety quizzes
Friday: Safety quizzes

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: AET accounts and safety quizzes
Tuesday-Friday: Safety quizzes and drawing plans for wood shop project

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday-Friday: Greenhouse and garden work (attaching panels on greenhouse and watering/tending to garden)

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10-14

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday: Agri-science projects, finish bulletin board and review colors and balance in the floriculture industry

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday-Friday: Edit and revise School Farm Proposal PowerPoint

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday-Friday: Students are working in teams as they begin the planning process with their 3 environmentally beneficial projects

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday: AET Accounts, general shop safety rules
Tuesday: General shop safety quizzes, metal shop tools safety rules
Oxy-Acetylene Welding Equipment and Supplies (Chapter 12)
Wednesday: Metal shop tools safety quizzes
Oxy-Acetylene Welding (Chapter 13)
Thursday: Metal Shop Safety tools safety quizzes
Oxy-fuel gas Equipment and Supplies (Chapter 14)
Friday: Metal Shop safety quizzes
Oxy-Fuel gas cutting (Chapter 15)

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday: Visit from "Inspiring Kids with Co-op Opportunities"
Wednesday: Review Chapter 4
Go over General Shop Safety Rules
Thursday: General Shop Safety Quiz
Wood shop Tools Safety Rules
Friday: Wood shop tools safety quizzes

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday-Friday: Construct greenhouse (finish door frame and install panels)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

September 3-7

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: No School
Tuesday: AET Accounts (the to update Supervised Agricultural Experiences)
Wednesday-Friday: Agriscience Brainstorming and planning
Color wheel/balance of colors and shapes in the floriculture industry

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: No School
Tuesday: AET Accounts (the to update Supervised Agricultural Experiences)
Wednesday-Friday: School Farm plans and chicken eggs in incubator (put in incubator and monitor daily)

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday: No School
Tuesday-Friday: Research 3 topics in environmental impacts with possible solutions (in groups)

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Drawing Symbols worksheet and intro to Blueprints
Wednesday: Drawing blueprints
Thursday and Friday: Oxy-acetylene welding safety and procedures

6th Period: Ag Woods 
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Chapter 3: Hand Tools (review vocab and questions)
Chapter 4: Portable Power tools (Vocab and questions)
Wednesday: Chapter 5: Stationary shop tools (vocab and questions)
Thursday and Friday: Shop Safety (General shop safety and tool safety)

7th Period: Greenhouse
Monday: No School
Tuesday: AET Accounts (the to update Supervised Agricultural Experiences)
Wednesday-Friday: School garden and construct greenhouse (put panels up)

Monday, August 27, 2018

August 27-31

2nd Period: Floriculutre I and II
Monday-Friday: Bulletin boards (FFA and Agriculture classes), FFA horse stick and Labor Day parade prep

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday-Friday: School Farm plans (each student is assigned an area of the school farm to research.  They will research their assigned topic and report back to the group and we will make a presentation as a class to propose to the school board)

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday: Finish watching "Chasing Ice" documentary, discussion
Tuesday: Begin research of environmental impacts in our world

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: Finish Metallurgy lesson
Tuesday: Welding joints and positions
Wednesday: Welding Symbols
Thursday: Drawing Blueprints
Friday: Drawing Blueprints

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday and Tuesday: Careers in Woodworking
Wednesday: Present Woodworking career project 

Woodworking Careers Project
Directions: Use your computer or cell phone to research the career you chose.  Please type (or hand write if you do not have a computer yet) the answers to the following questions.  You will present your findings to the class tomorrow. 

1**Give a description of your job (what are the duties performed? what does a person with this job do on a daily basis?)

  **What are the requirements/qualifications to be hired for this career? (School? Apprenticeship? Prior skills?)

3**What is the average salary/income? You can list an hourly or yearly salary

4**Are there opportunities to advance in this career? Earn higher salary; gain more responsibility/higher status, etc.

5**  Benefits? Insurance, time off, etc.

6**Google job listings for this job and list 5 listings that are hiring. Include the job title, location (preferably in Montana or in a neighboring state), requirements, job description and how to apply (do you need a resume, references, fill out an application online, etc.) 
Wednesday and Thursday: Tools in the wood shop (shop tour and explanation of tools)
Friday: Tool ID Test

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday: School Garden (harvesting and pulling weeds)
Tuesday: Plant Research questions and school garden (harvesting and pulling weeds)
Wednesday-Friday: School Garden (harvesting and pulling weeds)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August 22nd-24th

2nd Period: Floriculture II

Wednesday: Welcome Back! Class procedures and syllabus
Thursday and Friday: Bulletin Board decorations and thank you cards for concessions and petting farm (summer FFA activities)

3rd Period: Animal Science

Wednesday: Welcome Back! Class procedures and syllabus
Thursday and Friday: School Farm plans (students will create a plan/presentation to present to the school board)

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed 

Wednesday: Welcome Back! Class procedures and syllabus, class expectations and outcomes.  Form teams and begin research process of environmental impacts. 
Thursday and Friday: Chasing Ice documentary 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Wednesday: Welcome Back! Class procedures and syllabus
Thursday: Issue textbooks and organize shop
Lesson 1: Metallurgy (discussion, key terms
Friday: Continue lesson 1: Metallurgy

6th Period: Ag Woods

Wednesday: Welcome Back! Class procedures and syllabus, issue textbooks
Thursday and Friday: Careers in woodworking (students will research and present to the class about various woodworking careers)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Wednesday: Welcome Back! Class procedures and syllabus
School Garden plant research
Thursday: Continue school garden plant research, work in school garden
Friday: Work in school garden (weeding and harvesting)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 16-20

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: Sand boards and draw plans on boards
Tuesday and Wednesday: Work on shop projects (peg board game)
Thursday: Candle duck and chicken eggs

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday-Thursday: Wooden quilt (flower design) and prepare for Floriculture state competition

3rd Period: Advanced Ag

Monday-Thursday: Various shop projects 

4th Period: Floricutlure

Monday: Plant ID notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: School garden plans and prep 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday-Thursday: Chapter 7 and 8 (TIG welding equipment and processes) 

6th Period:  Ag Woods 

Monday: Materials and methods list for stools and side tables
Tuesday-Thursday: Work in shop

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday-Thursday: Plant ID and work on greenhouse (installing panels) 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 26-30

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: Tools in the shop (orbital sander, hammer, nails, tour/where tools are located in the shop)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Drawing plans/3-D objects

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Hall of Chapter board (glue trim and letters)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Agri-science report

3rd Period: Advanced Ag 

Monday-Wednesday: Various shop projects (build rack for hand grinders, take apart wooden shelf)

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday-Wednesday: Draw plans for school garden (map out to scale where plants will be planted, walkways, drip irrigation and fencing)

5th Period: Agriculture Welding

Monday-Wednesday: State FFA prep (practice ag mechanics tests, work on Hall of Chapter display, Ag Sales prep)

6th Period: Agriculture Woods

Monday: Router work (page 84-91)
Tuesday: Router demonstration and practice using a router
Wednesday: State FFA prep (Hall of Chapter display and ag mechanics tests)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Friday: Plant ID and Agri-science reports

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 19-23

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: School Garden plans
Tuesday: Ag Day with Elementary students in multi-purpose room (school garden activity)
Wednesday: Tools in the shop and live video chat with Sage Grouse Challenge
Thursday: Tools in the shop
Friday: Drawing plans/ 3-D drawings

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Stain plywood for Hall of Chapter
Wednesday: Stain plywood for Hall of Chapter
Thursday and Friday: Brainstorm ideas for Hall of Chapter display and begin decorating board

3rd Period: Advanced Ag 

Monday: Cut boards for Hall of Chapter
Tuesday: Sharpen hand planer blades
Wednesday-Friday: Various shop projects (build rack for hand grinders, take apart wooden shelf)

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Plans for school garden (location, plants to grow, soil, water, raised beds, etc.)
Wednesday: Visit from Jenney Paddock to help with school garden plans
Thursday and Friday: Draw plans for school garden

5th Period: Agriculture Welding

Monday-Friday: Gate latches and Hall of Chapter display

6th Period: Agriculture Woods

Monday: How to hand plane, parts of a hand planer, and how to adjust blade
Tuesday: Practice using hand planer
Wednesday: squaring, marking and cutting stock
Thursday and Friday: Project plans, materials list, methods list

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Friday: Plant ID notebook and build greenhouse

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 5-9

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday-Wednesday: The Importance of Ag Mechanics and Technology, ag mechanics collage

Thursday: Measuring Skills and the importance of measuring
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Begin Agriscience experiment (pick up flowers and set up experiment)
Tuesday-Thursday: Agriscience experiment (record data each day, research, and write up)
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Advanced Ag

Monday: Economic Challenge
Tuesday-Thursday: Sandwich Boards for hospital
Friday: No School

4th Period: Floricutlure

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: Final Draft of Landscape Design
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday-Friday: Gate Latches
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday: Clean Shop
Tuesday-Thursday: Chapter 13: Construction methods
Friday: No School

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: Construct greenhouse (assemble and install roof vents)
Friday: No School

Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19-23

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: Dairy cattle/goat posters
Tuesday: Dairy cattle/goat posters
Wednesday: Dairy cattle/goat posters
Thursday: Present Posters
Friday: Make ice cream

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday-Thursday: Wooden Quilt (paint)
Friday: Plant ID

3rd Period: Advanced Ag

Monday-Friday: Sandwich board project

4th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Plant ID
Tuesday-Friday: Final Draft of Landscape Design (on poster board)

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday-Friday: Gate latches and oxy-acetylene welding

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday-Friday: Veneer projects (coasters)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday-Friday: Plant ID and build greenhouse kit (put frame together)

Monday, February 12, 2018

February 12-16

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: Animal Terminology (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Tuesday: Study Hall (most kids will be gone with band)
Wednesday and Thursday: Dairy Goat/Cattle Project

Dairy Cattle/Goat Project
Directions: Each of you will choose a dairy cattle or goat breed to create a poster to share with the class.  Any pictures on the poster need to be printed out in color, or drawn with color.  All words on the poster must be typed out or written neatly with permanent marker.  Anything that is being glued on the poster needs to have backing paper (construction paper).  You will be sharing these with the class so make sure the words and pictures are big enough for everyone to see!!
You will need to include the following information on your poster:
Title: you can simply put the name of your breed, or come up with something creative!
A picture of the animal you chose (make sure you have the correct picture for your breed)
What is the purpose of your animal? (think of food, fiber, work, and look on the internet for other uses too!) I would like at least 5 different uses of your animal, and if you put more, it will be extra credit J
A picture that goes with each purpose. For example: if the purpose of your animal is meat, you could put a picture of a steak.  You will have a total of 5 pictures.
Do we raise this animal in Montana?
If we do raise this animal in Montana, where in the state is it raised? Include a picture of the county/town/region.                                                              
Where did your animal originate?
A picture of where your animal originated
On average, how much does a full grown cow and bull weigh?  For goats it would be a full grown boar and doe.
On average, how much milk does your animal produce each day/month/year?  Whichever one you can find…if you can find all three that’s great too!
An interesting fact that you found while researching about your dairy cattle/goat breed!

** You will be graded on neatness, spelling/grammar/punctuation, and each requirement above! 

Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Plant ID
Tuesday: Wooden Quilt/arrange Valentine's Carnations
Wednesday: Wooden quilt/arrange Valentine's Carnations
Thursday: Wooden Quilt
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Advanced Ag 

Monday-Thursday: Wooden stool for kindergarten class (add railing and paint)

Friday: No School

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID
Tuesday-Thursday: Work on Landscape Design final draft
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday: FFA Week Posters and plan activities for the week
Tuesday-Thursday: Gate Latches and oxy-acetylene welding
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday-Thursday: Veneer coaster projects
Friday: No School

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: Build greenhouse (put frame together)
Friday: No School

Friday, February 2, 2018

February 5-9

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday: FFA New Horizons Activity
Tuesday-Friday: AET Accounts

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Paint wooden quilt
Tuesday: Paint wooden quilt
Wednesday-Friday: Senior night floral arrangements

3rd Period: Advanced Agriculture

Monday-Friday: Wooden stool for kindergarten classroom

4th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday-Friday: Landscape design rough and final drafts (with color)

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday-Friday: Gate latches and oxy-acetylene  welding

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday-Friday: Veneer projects

7th Period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday: Chapter 6 vocab (pg 133) and questions 1-15 on page 155
Tuesday-Friday: Build greenhouse (sidewall frames)

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30-February 2

1st Period: JH Agriculture 

Monday: Finish Intro to Ag PowerPoint and guided notes
Tuesday: Ag Walk (walk around campus to find products from animals, plants and natural resources)
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday: What is an SAE? PowerPoint and guided notes
Friday: AEt accounts (students need to bring computers)

2nd Period: Floriculture  

Monday and Tuesday: AET Accounts
Wednesday-Friday: Wooden Quilt (paint)

3rd Period: Advanced Ag 

Monday-Friday: Individual wood shop project: Stool for Kindergarten classroom

4th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Plant ID Notebook
Tuesday: AET accounts
Wednesday-Friday: Landscape Design rough draft

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday and Tuesday: AET accounts
Wednesday-Friday: Gate Latches

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday: What is an SAE? PowerPoint and guided notes
Tuesday and Wednesday: AET Accounts
Thursday and Friday: Veneer projects

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: What is an SAE? PowerPoint and guided notes
Tuesday and Wednesday: AET Accounts
Thursday and Friday: Build greenhouse (frame) 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 22-26

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday and Tuesday: Present About Me projects
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday and Friday: What is Agriculture? PowerPoint and Guided Notes

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Ag Sales Districts prep/wooden quilt drawing
Tuesday-Friday: Wooden Quilt

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebook
Tuesday-Friday: Landscape Design Rough Draft

5th Period: Ag Welding  

Monday: Ag Sales Districts Prep
Tuesday-Friday: Gate latches and Oxy-acetylene welding (for new students this semester)

6th Period: Ag Woods  

Monday: Chapter 10 (page 295 questions 1-7) and Chapter 11 (page 328 questions 1-9)
Tuesday: Gluing Wood Veneers video and draw plans
Wednesday: Draw plans
Thursday and Friday: Veneer woodworking projects

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Chapter 5: Food and Energy from Plants
Define vocab on page 103 (14 terms) Define words and use each word in a sentence
Tuesday: Construct greenhouse (non door end frame)
Wednesday: Chapter 5 questions 1-17 on page 129
Thursday and Friday: Construct greenhouse

Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15-19

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Welcome to Ag class, syllabus, Time Card procedure
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday and Friday: About Me PowerPoint project

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Plant ID Notebooks
Wednesday-Friday: Wooden quilt and agriscience experiment prep

4th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Plant ID notebooks
Wednesday-Friday: Landscape design rough drafts

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday: No School
Tuesday-Friday: Ag Sales Districts prep and fabricate gate latches

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday: No School
Tuesday and Wednesday: Finish woodworking projects
Thursday: Chapter 10: Panel Products and Chapter 11: Veneer
Friday: Draw project plans

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: No School
Tuesday and Wednesday: What is Horticulture? (Industry and understanding horticulture) PowerPoint, guided notes and horticulture industry activity

Thursday and Friday: Construct greenhouse (non-door end frame)

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 8-12

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday and Tuesday: AET accounts on
Friday: Semester Test

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday and Tuesday: Sketch out plan on wooden quilt
Thursday: Semester Test

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday and Tuesday: AET accounts on
Thursday: Semester Test

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday and Tuesday: Gate latches and Ag Sales district prep
Wednesday: Semester Test

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday and Tuesday: Work on woodworking projects (Due on Tuesday)
Wednesday: Semester Test

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday and Tuesday: Work on building greenhouse (door end and non door end frame)
Wednesday: Semester Test

Monday, January 1, 2018

January 1-5

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: No School
Tuesday: What is an SAE? (supervised agricultural experience): PowerPoint and guided notes
Individual SAE plan
Wednesday-Friday: (agricultural experience tracker): Each student will track their SAE plan on their aet account.

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Brainstorm ideas for the wooden quilt (FFA theme)
Wednesday: Sketch out plan on wood
Thursday and Friday: Paint wooden quilt

4th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Plant list (review plants chosen) begin rough draft of landscape design
Wednesday: Rough Draft of landscape design
Thursday: Rough draft of landscape design
Friday: Rough draft due today

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday: No School
Tuesday-Friday: Ag Sales district prep, gate latches and escape ladders

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: No School
Tuesday-Friday: Wood projects (final projects due Friday)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: No School
Tuesday-Friday: Build greenhouse kit and work on Chapter 4 vocab and questions (vocab and questions due Friday)