Monday: Tools in the shop (orbital sander, hammer, nails, tour/where tools are located in the shop)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Drawing plans/3-D objects
2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Hall of Chapter board (glue trim and letters)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Agri-science report
3rd Period: Advanced Ag
Monday-Wednesday: Various shop projects (build rack for hand grinders, take apart wooden shelf)
4th Period: Floriculture
Monday-Wednesday: Draw plans for school garden (map out to scale where plants will be planted, walkways, drip irrigation and fencing)
5th Period: Agriculture Welding
Monday-Wednesday: State FFA prep (practice ag mechanics tests, work on Hall of Chapter display, Ag Sales prep)
6th Period: Agriculture Woods
Monday: Router work (page 84-91)
Tuesday: Router demonstration and practice using a router
Wednesday: State FFA prep (Hall of Chapter display and ag mechanics tests)
7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday-Friday: Plant ID and Agri-science reports