Monday: Sand boards and draw plans on boards
Tuesday and Wednesday: Work on shop projects (peg board game)
Thursday: Candle duck and chicken eggs
2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday-Thursday: Wooden quilt (flower design) and prepare for Floriculture state competition
3rd Period: Advanced Ag
Monday-Thursday: Various shop projects
Monday-Thursday: Various shop projects
4th Period: Floricutlure
Monday: Plant ID notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: School garden plans and prep
Monday: Plant ID notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: School garden plans and prep
5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Thursday: Chapter 7 and 8 (TIG welding equipment and processes)
Monday-Thursday: Chapter 7 and 8 (TIG welding equipment and processes)
6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Materials and methods list for stools and side tables
Tuesday-Thursday: Work in shop
Monday: Materials and methods list for stools and side tables
Tuesday-Thursday: Work in shop
7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday-Thursday: Plant ID and work on greenhouse (installing panels)
Monday-Thursday: Plant ID and work on greenhouse (installing panels)