Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 24-28

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: Agri-science projects and Ruby Valley Invitational competition preparation 
Tuesday: Ruby Valley Invitational (Livestock Judging and Soils/Range districts) 
Wednesday: Agri-science projects 
Thursday: Agri-science projects 
Friday: No School 

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Agri-science projects and Ruby Valley Invitational competition preparation 
Tuesday: Ruby Valley Invitational (Livestock Judging and Soils/Range districts) 
Wednesday: Agri-science projects 
Thursday: Agri-science projects 
Friday: No School 

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed 
Monday: Edit Presentations (students are fine tuning their presentations to present to stakeholders) 
Tuesday: Edit Presentations
Wednesday: Present plan presentations 
Thursday: Present plan presentations 
Friday: No School 

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday: Safety tests (welding safety and general shop safety) 
Welding certification presentation (PowerPoint) 
Tuesday-Thursday: Oxy-acetylene welding (plate of beads with and without rod) 
Friday: No School 

6th Period: Ag Woods  
Monday: Safety tests, discuss shop projects 
Tuesday-Wednesday: Draw plans/how to calculate board feet 
Thursday: Begin wood shop projects 
Friday: No School 

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday: GO over greenhouse structure worksheet/install panels on greenhouse/harvest carrots in garden
Tuesday: FFA New Horizons activity 
Wednesday and Thursday: Work in garden and install panels on greenhouse 
Friday: No School 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 17-21

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday and Wednesday: Agri-science projects (working on research and forming question)
Thursday: Agriscience projects and prep for Ruby Valley Invitational Competition
Friday: Read to Elementary students

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: AET Accounts and candle chicken eggs
Tuesday: Edit Animal Farm PowerPoint
Wednesday: Agriscience projects (research and forming question)
Thursday: Agriscience and prep for RVI
Friday: Read to Elementary students

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday-Thursday: Work on presentations for presenting plan to stakeholders

Friday: Presentations due today

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: College fair for Juniors and Seniors
Tuesday: AET Accounts and oxy-acetylene welding worksheet
Wednesday:  Safety (ironworker, chop saw, grinder, bandsaw)
Thursday: Safety quizzes
Friday: Safety quizzes

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: AET accounts and safety quizzes
Tuesday-Friday: Safety quizzes and drawing plans for wood shop project

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday-Friday: Greenhouse and garden work (attaching panels on greenhouse and watering/tending to garden)

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10-14

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday: Agri-science projects, finish bulletin board and review colors and balance in the floriculture industry

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday-Friday: Edit and revise School Farm Proposal PowerPoint

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday-Friday: Students are working in teams as they begin the planning process with their 3 environmentally beneficial projects

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday: AET Accounts, general shop safety rules
Tuesday: General shop safety quizzes, metal shop tools safety rules
Oxy-Acetylene Welding Equipment and Supplies (Chapter 12)
Wednesday: Metal shop tools safety quizzes
Oxy-Acetylene Welding (Chapter 13)
Thursday: Metal Shop Safety tools safety quizzes
Oxy-fuel gas Equipment and Supplies (Chapter 14)
Friday: Metal Shop safety quizzes
Oxy-Fuel gas cutting (Chapter 15)

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday: Visit from "Inspiring Kids with Co-op Opportunities"
Wednesday: Review Chapter 4
Go over General Shop Safety Rules
Thursday: General Shop Safety Quiz
Wood shop Tools Safety Rules
Friday: Wood shop tools safety quizzes

7th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: AET Accounts
Tuesday-Friday: Construct greenhouse (finish door frame and install panels)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

September 3-7

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: No School
Tuesday: AET Accounts (the to update Supervised Agricultural Experiences)
Wednesday-Friday: Agriscience Brainstorming and planning
Color wheel/balance of colors and shapes in the floriculture industry

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: No School
Tuesday: AET Accounts (the to update Supervised Agricultural Experiences)
Wednesday-Friday: School Farm plans and chicken eggs in incubator (put in incubator and monitor daily)

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday: No School
Tuesday-Friday: Research 3 topics in environmental impacts with possible solutions (in groups)

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Drawing Symbols worksheet and intro to Blueprints
Wednesday: Drawing blueprints
Thursday and Friday: Oxy-acetylene welding safety and procedures

6th Period: Ag Woods 
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Chapter 3: Hand Tools (review vocab and questions)
Chapter 4: Portable Power tools (Vocab and questions)
Wednesday: Chapter 5: Stationary shop tools (vocab and questions)
Thursday and Friday: Shop Safety (General shop safety and tool safety)

7th Period: Greenhouse
Monday: No School
Tuesday: AET Accounts (the to update Supervised Agricultural Experiences)
Wednesday-Friday: School garden and construct greenhouse (put panels up)