Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30-October 4th

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: Share Ag News Article Reviews. Drawing to scale
Tuesday: Drawing plans (front, side, top view, 3-D). Draw blocks
Wednesday:  Draw blocks.  Shop safety
Thursday: Shop Safety
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Floral Portfolio
Tuesday: Scientific Method review.  Agriscience brainstorming (students will brainstorm several ideas for conducting an agriscience experiment)
Wednesday and Thursday: Agriscience experiments.
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday-Thursday: Take care of hedgehog and guinea pigs.  Work on Agriscience and Ag Issues projects) Scientific Method Review
Friday: No School

4th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: Greenhouse types: main greenhouse structures and their pros and cons
Tuesday: Scientific Method review.  Agriscience brainstorming (students will brainstorm several ideas for conducting an agriscience experiment)
Wednesday and Thursday: Agriscience experiments.
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday: Sign up for TeknoXpo (MSU Northern field trip). Oxy-acetylene weld (build up pad of beads)
Tuesday-Thursday: Oxy-acetylene weld (various joints with and without rod)
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: Push sticks and chicken coop
Tuesday:Board feet calculations. Draw plans for project #2
Wednesday: Board feet quiz, begin project #2
Thursday: Work in shop on push stick and project #2
Friday: No School

Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 23-27

1st Period: JH Ag

Monday: Performance Data/judging bulls
Vet Tool ID
Tuesday: Students gone at RVI Livestock Judging
Wednesday and Thursday: Ag Article Review (we will look at what is going on in the news in agriculture today and students will write a 250 word review-who, what, where, when, why and opinion statement)
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Bud Vase grading rubric, review chapter 5 (read and discuss chapter)
Tuesday: Answer Review Questions (1-20) and Critical Thinking questions 1 and 2 on page 110
Wednesday: Get flowers from Flower Shop and begin making bud vases
Thursday: Finish bud vases and begin floral portfolio
Friday: No School

3rd Period:Animal Science

Monday: RVI Prep
Tuesday: Students gone at RVI
Wednesday and Thursday: Brainstorm agriscience topics and ag issues topics
Friday: No School

4th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: Work on Greenhouse
Tuesday: Plant ID Notebooks
Wednesday: Set up heater in greenhouse and transport plants to greenhouse
Thursday: Greenhouse structures-what are the different types of greenhouses?
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday: Metal Shop safety quiz
Tuesday-Thursday: Oxy-acetylene welding: plate build up without rod (add rod once plate without rod is complete)
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday: Work in shop on push sticks and chicken coop
Tuesday: FFA New Horizons Activity
Wednesday-Thursday: Work in shop on push sticks, draw plans for project #2:
Friday: No School

Friday, September 13, 2019

September 16-20

1st Period: Junior High Ag 

Monday: Livestock breeds overview.  Introduction to Livestock Judging (what is it, why do we do it and students will practice by judging produce)
Tuesday: Livestock Judging practice (Market, feeder, breeding of swine, goats, sheep and beef)
Wednesday: Livestock judging terms to know, write a set of reasons
Thursday: Practice giving reasons to classmates and judge more livestock classes
Friday: How to read bull data and understanding keep/cull classes.  Vet tool ID

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday-Tuesday: Chapter 6: page 113 (Principles of Floral Design) Discuss Bud vases (flower and foliage/filler selection, pricing out materials and designing vase)
Wednesday: Flower shop to pick up flowers
Thursday: Arrange bud vases
Friday: Begin floral portfolio (PowerPoint that keeps a record of students' arrangements throughout the year)

3rd Period: Animal Science 

Monday: Class pet discussion and being prepping for Ruby Valley Invitational (RVI-FFA livestock judging, range/soils and forestry competition)
Tuesday-Friday: RVI prep

4th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday-Friday: Plant ID, water plants, compost bin (maintain and make posters), work on greenhouse

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday: Juniors and Seniors are at College Fair in Livingston
Tuesday-Wednesday: Oxy-Acetylene procedures and safety (discussion, demonstration, worksheets and safety tests) Metal shop safety rules and tests
Thursday and Friday: Oxyacetylene welding (fill a plate with beads-no filler rod)

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday-Tuesday: Draw blocks and practice drawing to scale, materials list and blueprints for first shop project
Wednesday-Friday: Work in shop

Monday, September 9, 2019

September 9-13

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 
Monday: Livestock Posters
Tuesday: Finish Livestock posters and present posters
Wednesday: Mentor training
Thursday: Livestock Judging
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: Color wheel
Tuesday: Finish color wheel. Bud Vases: design and create flower/filler list
Wednesday: Mentor training
Thursday: Arrange bud vases
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Discuss class pet proposals
Tuesday: Mentor training
Wednesday: Mentor training
Thursday: Class pet proposal and start preparing for Ruby Valley Invitational
Friday: No School

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday: Plant ID
Tuesday: Work on greenhouse
Wednesday: Mentor training
Thursday: Work on greenhouse
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday: Review chapter 29 and symbols worksheet
Tuesday: Mentor Training
Wednesday: Oxy-acetylene worksheet (set up and procedures for oxy-acetylene welding)
Thursday: Oxy-acetylene safety
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods 
Monday: Chapter 10 and 11 review
Tuesday-Thursday: Safety Rules and take safety tests (draw plans/materials list for woodshop project)
Friday: No School

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 2-6

1st Period: Junior High Ag 

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Animal Terminology (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Wednesday-Friday: Livestock Poster (students are researching various livestock animals and creating a poster displaying information and pictures about their livestock)

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Chapter 8 and discuss color themes/schemes
Wednesday: Color wheel
Thursday: Color wheel
Friday: Student council speeches

3rd Period: Animal Science  

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Research class pet options
Wednesday: Clean chicken pen/prepare incubator for eggs
Thursday and Friday: Class pet proposal plan

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: No School
Tuesday-Thursday: Silicon greenhouse panels/work in garden
Friday: Plant ID Notebooks

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday: No School
Tuesday and Wednesday: Reading and understanding welding symbols, joints and blueprints
Thursday and Friday: Chapter 29: Heat Treatment (read chapter and complete guided worksheet)

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Safety Rules in the shop
Wednesday: Shop Safety (tool demonstrations). Take safety quizzes
Thursday: Chapter 10 and 11
Friday: Chapter 10 and 11