1st Period: Junior High Agriculture
Ruler Worksheet
Shop safety tests
Go over tools in the shop/demonstrate use of equipment and tools
Livestock judging practice
Drawing plans for shop project
Safety Tests
Begin working in shop
YE buck Auction
7th Period: Floriculture
Finish and test structures (built out of marshmallows and noodles)
Decide what flowers/colors to use for bud vase arrangement
Sculpt bud vases using plasticine
Water garden/transplant seeds if time
Pass out permission slips (to walk to Garden Shop)
Walk to Garden Shop and get flowers
Create arrangement (bud vase with roses and/or carnations)
Floral Portfolio
HOM (Harvest of the Month)-brassicas
5th Period: Ag Welding
Career Profile Project
Oxy-Actylene welding with rod (plate of beads, T-joint, lap weld)
Career Profile Project
Oxy-Actylene welding with rod (plate of beads, T-joint, lap weld)