Friday, October 30, 2020

November 2-6

 1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: Welcome to Ag! (Go over syllabus and classroom routine)

Introduce YE bucks 

About Me project

Paper Airplane Activity (if time) 

Wednesday: Guest Speaker (MSU AgEd student) to present about FFA

Present About Me presentations 

7th Period: Floriculture


Complete Floral Portfolio for Pumpkin Arrangements

Logon to AET accounts and set up profiles and brainstorm SAE ideas (decide which category your SAE is in) 

Floral Career Brochure 


12:45-1:50: Complete Floral Career Brochure

1:50-2:30: Read with 1st graders in library 

2:30-3:40: YE Activity "Money Bowl" and watch John Stossel's Greed video series

Introduce 3 sectors of markets 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Tuesday: Oxy-acetylene and SMAW practice welding

Packet of SMAW joints to be completed will be passed out as well

Thursday: Oxy-acetylene and SMAW welding

YE Activity: "Moneybowl"

Watch Stossel videos

Introduce 3 markets of the economy 

Parent Teacher Conference Zoom Meeting Link

 Jenny Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Parent/Teacher Conferences 

Time: Nov 3, 2020 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 9158 2651

Passcode: n1HtBc

Friday, October 23, 2020

October 26th-October 30th

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period

Monday: Work in shop on projects 

Wednesday: Last day to work in shop on projects.  If students do not finish today they will need to come in on Friday and Finish.  Final YE Buck Auction 

Floriculture: 7th Period

Monday: FFA New Horizons Activities

Logon to AET and set up accounts 

Pumpkin Arrangement Prep (draw design on pumpkins and begin carving if time) 

Wednesday: Go to flower shop to pick up flowers and make pumpkin arrangements 

Ag Welding

Tuesday: SMAW Process


Welding Pattern Practice

Practice SMAW 

Continue Oxy-acetylene welding if not finished 

Thursday: Tintina Resources Field Trip (we will go on site and take a tour of the site-pending weather).  If field trip gets cancelled we will begin SMAW-practice welding and begin plate of stringer beads

Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 19-23

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period

Monday and Wednesday: Work in shop on various shop projects 

Floriculture: 7th Period


SAE for all (videos, presentation with guided notes and packet with activities) 

Pumpkin arrangement prep (flowers and supplies needed, rough draft of idea) 


Plasticine models of pumpkin arrangements  

FFA New Horizons Activity 

Ag Welding: 5th Period


Finish Electricity Lesson

SMAW: Equipment (PowerPoint and guided notes) 

SAE for all (packet) 

Oxy-Acetylene welding various joints 


SMAW: Process (PowerPoint and guided notes) 

SAE for all (packet) and AET accounts

Oxy-acetylene welding various joints 

Friday, October 9, 2020

October 12-16

 1st period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday: Safety Tests and work in shop on various woodworking projects 

Wednesday: Hannah will teach for an hour
go over SAEs with students 

7th Period: Floriculture 

 12:45-1:50:Harvest of the Month: Apples 

1:50-2:30: Read to 1st graders (show them the Brassicas Plant Life Cycle booklet each student made)

2:30-3:40: SAE (supervised agricultural experience) -what is an SAE, why is it important and what is your SAE? (guided worksheet with video and sites...SAE for All worksheet) 

Wednesday: AET (if time) 
Make apple recipe for harvest of the month 

5th Period: Ag Welding

SMAW introduction
Oxy-Acetylene Welding 

Thursday: No School 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

October 5-9

1st period: Junior High Agriculture

9:00-9:45: Shop Safety tests/work in shop on individual woodworking projects 
9:45-11:30: Virtual Escape room and vote for Royalty 
11:30-noon: Work in shop on projects 

Wednesday: Float decoration for homecoming 

7th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Harvest of the Month: Brassicas (Plant Life Cycle booklet) 
Floral Portfolios (students will make a PowerPoint that displays each of the arrangements they make throughout the semester) 
YE Auction 

Wednesday: Float decoration and parade for homecoming 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Tuesday: Career Packets (exploring careers through 
Oxy-acetylene welding (lap joints, T-joints and plate of beads) 

Thursday: Career Packets
Oxy-acetylene welding