Monday: Carve Pumpkins for floral arrangement
Wednesday: Pick up flowers and design pumpkin floral arrangement
Friday: Finish pumpkin floral arrangement and make Halloween candy arrangement
Greenhouse Management
Monday and Wednesday: Print 3-D greenhouse models and YE activity
Friday: Harvest of the Month: Pumpkins
Advanced Welding
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Gate latches, individual welding projects and practice various joints with stick welding
Junior High Ag
Monday: Check germinated seeds, How to read a tape measure, types of nails, blueprint discussion and begin drawing blueprints of blocks
Wednesday: Safety in the shop, tools in our shop, blueprint drawings of blocks
Friday: Harvest of the month: Pumpkins
Animal Science
Tuesday: Dairy unit (dairy breeds and milk processing)
Thursday: Lactose experiment
Friday: Make ice cream
Welding I
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: SMAW various joints (students are following workbook to complete various joint welds with various rods)
Ag Woods
Tuesday: 9/10: work in shop on push sticks
Thursday: 11/12: work in shop on individual projects
Friday: 9/10: begin blueprints for first project, 11/12: work in shop on individual projects