Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25-29


Monday: Carve Pumpkins for floral arrangement 

Wednesday: Pick up flowers and design pumpkin floral arrangement

Friday: Finish pumpkin floral arrangement and make Halloween candy arrangement

Greenhouse Management

Monday and Wednesday: Print 3-D greenhouse models and YE activity 

Friday: Harvest of the Month: Pumpkins

Advanced Welding

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Gate latches, individual welding projects and practice various joints with stick welding

Junior High Ag

Monday: Check germinated seeds, How to read a tape measure, types of nails, blueprint discussion and begin drawing blueprints of blocks

Wednesday: Safety in the shop, tools in our shop, blueprint drawings of blocks

Friday: Harvest of the month: Pumpkins

Animal Science

Tuesday: Dairy unit (dairy breeds and milk processing) 

Thursday: Lactose experiment

Friday: Make ice cream 

Welding I

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: SMAW various joints (students are following workbook to complete various joint welds with various rods)

Ag Woods 

Tuesday: 9/10: work in shop on push sticks 

Thursday: 11/12: work in shop on individual projects

Friday: 9/10: begin blueprints for first project, 11/12: work in shop on individual projects 

Monday, October 18, 2021

October 19-20


Monday: Pumpkin arrangement clay model/pick out pumpkins

Wednesday: Plant ID notebooks/Halloween candy arrangement draft 

Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Print Tinker CAD 3-D greenhouse models/YE Activity 

Wednesday: Print Tinker CAD 3-D greenhouse models/YE Activity 

Advanced Welding

Monday: SMAW review and work on gate latches 

Wednesday: Work on gate latches 

Junior High Ag

Monday: Importance of plants, germination and seed requirements/YE Activity

Wednesday: YE Auction

Discuss Hydroponics and alternative ways of growing food 

Animal Science

Tuesday: South Dakota State University dairy program video (milk processing) 

Check/feed/water chickens 

Welding I

Tuesday: SMAW plate of beads with 60XX and 70XX rods

Ag Woods

Tuesday:  Students will read Chapter 10 the define key terms and answer questions 1-7 on page 295

Read Chapter 11, define key terms and answer questions 1-7 on page 316

Read Chapter 12, define key terms and answer questions 1-9 on page 328

Friday, October 8, 2021

October 11-15

 1st Period: Floriculture

Monday: Chapter 10: Types of Floral Design

Answer Questions 1-10 on page 268

Geometric arrangement activity 


Plant ID Notebook 

Pumpkin Arrangement-drawing and clay model 

2nd Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: Finish greenhouse models on TinkerCAD and being 3-D printing models

Wednesday: Print 3-D models and change harvest of the month bulletin: pumpkins 

Advanced Welding: 5th Period

Monday: SMAW Review (PowerPoint and guided notes) 

Begin fabricating gate latches (we will be making 20-30 gate latches for a local consumer) 

Wednesday: Work on gate latches 

6th Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: FFA New Horizons: Read article about dairy and complete activity (interactive worksheet) 

Wednesday: Plant Requirements, seeds and germination. Hydroponics lesson 

4th Period: Animal Science 

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: Dairy Unit and NILE Sales prep (daily care for chickens as well) 

 7th Period: Welding I 

Tuesday: Go over required welds for SMAW (packet with specific joints and positions with certain rod)

SMAW various joints (from packet) 

Thursday: SMAW various joints (from packet) 

Friday: SMAW various joints (from packet) 

8th Period: Ag Woods

Tuesday: 9th/10th make plans for push stick and begin making push sticks

How to calculate board feet

Thursday: 11th/12th: Begin working on push sticks and individual projects

Friday: 9th/10th-Board feet quiz 

Friday, October 1, 2021

October 4-8th

 Floriculture: 1st Period

Monday: Floral Portfolios for Bud vase

Homecoming arrangements (make clay models) 

Wednesday: Plant Id Notebook

Chapter 10: Types of Floral Design 

Greenhouse Management: 2nd Period

Monday: Window Decorating for Homecoming week 

Wednesday: TinkerCAD: start 3-D printing ideal greenhouse structures

Advanced Welding: 5th Period 

Monday: SMAW review and start fabricating gate latches 

Wednesday: Field Day for Homecoming 

Junior High Ag: 6th Period

Monday: Plants, Seeds and Germination, germinate seeds and hydroponic lesson 

Wednesday: Field Day for homecoming 

 4th Period: Animal Science 

Tuesday: Homecoming Parade 

Thursday: Virtual Farm Tour: Swine Industry 

Friday: Advisory for Homecoming 

7th Period: Welding I 

Tuesday: Homecoming Parade 

Thursday: Finish SMAW: process (PowerPoint and guided notes)

Begin SMAW  practice welds 

Friday: Advisory for homecoming 

8th Period: Ag Woods 

Tuesday: Homecoming Parade 

Thursday: Begin working in wood shop on various projects (push sticks, individual projects) 

Friday: Homecoming Advisory