Monday, January 31, 2022

Jan 31-Feb4


Monday: Honeybees lifecycle, centripetal force experiment 

Wednesday: Honeybee lifecycle book 

Friday: Read book to Kindergarten class 

Greenhouse Management

Monday and Wednesday: Collect Data on Agriscience research projects, work on Greenhouse Career Brochures 

Friday: AET journal entries 

Advanced Welding

Monday and Wednesday: SMAW, individual shop projects, gate latches  

Friday: Clean shop, AET journal entry 

Junior High Ag

Monday: Livestock Terminology, Paper airplane factory 

Wednesday: Ski Day 

Friday: Enter SAE's in

Animal Science

Tuesday: Life Cycle of a honeybee (digital field trip), card matching game, centripetal force experiment.  Digital Field trip (honey harvest) 

Thursday: Montana Wildlife 

Friday: AET journal accounts 

Welding I

Tuesday and Thursday: SMAW joints and individual shop projects for those that are done with SMAW joints 

Friday: AET journal entry, clean shop 

Ag Woods

Tuesday: Field trip to Rooney's to check out lumberyard 

Thursday: Draw plans for shop project and begin working in wood shop 

Friday: AET journal entry 

Monday, January 24, 2022

January 24-28


Monday: Present Floral Career Brochures, Add brochures to AET 

Wednesday: Plant ID Notebook 

Friday: Journal Entry for SAE in

Greenhouse Management

Monday: Common Pests in Veggie crops, Agriscience research project 

Wednesday: Agriscience Research Projects 

Friday: Journal entry on

Advanced Welding

Monday and Wednesday: Escape ramps, gate latches and SMAW welding

Friday: SAE journal entry on

Animal Science

Tuesday: Present Wildlife PowerPoints

Montana Wildlife:

Thursday: Lifecycle of a honeybee/work on FFA districts prep

Friday: SAE journal entry on on districts prep

Welding I

Tuesday and Wednesday: SMAW joints and prep for FFA districts 

Friday: SAE journal entry on

Ag Woods

Tuesday: CFU with shop tools, practice joints 

Thursday: Project plans, calculate board feet for lumber needed 

Friday: Journal entry on for SAE project 

Monday, January 17, 2022

January 17-21


Monday: Floral Career Brochure 

Wednesday: Floral Career Brochure 

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Greenhouse clean up 

Wednesday: Veggie crop lesson 

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Advanced Welding

Monday and Wednesday: Escape ladders, gate latches, SMAW

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Junior High Ag

Monday: Present About Me projects 

What is agriculture?

Ag Walk 

Livestock Terminology 


Junior High Ski Day 

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Animal Science 


Cow Heart Dissection 

Take care of chickens 

Wildlife Species project 

Thursday: Present Wildlife Species projects 

Wildlife in Montana-what does it look like-explore

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Welding I  

Tuesday and Thursday: SMAW joints and individual shop projects if all SMAW joints are complete

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Ag Woods 

Tuesday: Types of wood (hardwood vs softwood)

Thursday: Common wood joints 

Friday: What is an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 

Login to and begin journaling SAE's 

Friday, January 7, 2022

January 10-14


Monday: Set up invention project 

Chrysanthemum PowerPoint 

Wednesday: Plant ID Notebook/introduce floral career brochure project 

Friday: Work on Floral career brochures 

Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Set up invention project/compost lesson/Plant ID Notebook 

Wednesday: Tree Unit 

Friday: Finish plant ID notebook for this week 

Advanced Welding 

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Working on individual projects (gate latches and escape ladders for NRCS) 

Junior High Ag  

Monday: Welcome to Ag! Classroom syllabus and classroom expectations.  What is agriculture to you? What do you want to learn in this class? About Me project 

Wednesday: About Me project/Present if time

Friday: Montana Wheat Scavenger Hunt 

Animal Science 

Tuesday: Avian Digestion and Reproduction 

Wing Dissection Lab 

Care for chickens

Thursday: Vet Science: canine vaccination

Wildlife Project 

Friday: Wildlife Project 

Welding I 

Tuesday: Certification Welds PowerPoint/work on SMAW joints 

Thursday and Friday: Work on SMAW joints 

Ag Woods 

Tuesday: 9th/10th: Parts of a board/Terminology lesson 

Thursday: 11th/12th: Parts of a board/terminology lesson 

Friday: Choosing the right lumber for your next project (discussion) 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 3-7


Monday: Floral Portfolio

Finish Invention Activity 

Greenhouse Management


Take down Christmas tree

Hydroponics (care for plants)

Finish Invention Activity 

Advanced Welding


Escape ladders (go over plans and order materials)

Work on SMAW and individual projects 

Junior High Ag

Monday: Finish shop projects, clean shop, get to know you activity with Student Teacher 

Animal Science

Tuesday: Shovel snow in chicken pen

Poultry Unit (digestion, reproduction, cuts of meat, wing dissection if time) 

Welding I

Tuesday: Continue working on SMAW various joints 

Ag Woods

Tuesday: Finish cutting boards/work on plans for next shop project 

Wednesday and Thursday: Semester Tests

Friday: Half day/semester test make-up day