Monday: Weekly Ag Awareness Article Review
Tuesday-Friday: Forestry Unit: Tree & Equipment ID, Timber Cruising for Board Feet Volume, Timber Stand Improvement, Map & Compass, Chainsaw Part ID & General Safety Test
2nd Period Ag 4
Monday: Weekly Ag Awareness Article Review
Tuesday: General Safety Test and Torch Cutting Safety Test
Wednesday-Friday: Fabricate Wildlife Escape Ladders
3rd Period 7th Grade Ag
Monday: FFA Unit (PowerPoint, guided notes, and in class activities)
Tuesday: FFA Unit
Wednesday: FFA Unit
Thursday: Livestock Judging
Friday: Livestock Judging
5th Period Ag 3
Monday: Ag Awareness Article Review
Tuesday: Oxyfuel gas cutting and welding safety test, arc welding and cutting test
Wednesday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene welding (flat beads)
6th Period 8th Grade Ag
Monday: FFA Videos and guided Notes
Tuesday-Friday: Montana County Ag Project
Description: Montana's number 1 industry is agriculture and we rank #2 in the US with lands in farms and ranches-which totals nearly 61 million acres! To discover more about Montana's agriculture industry each of you will research and create a "county ag map" for 5 different counties. This is a chance for you to learn about the different agriculture in Montana as well as express your creative side.
Requirements for Project:
Name of county
Outline of county map
Pictures/symbols of main agricultural products: either drawn or printed out and must have color!
Key/Legend: Describes what each picture/symbol represents
Statistics: How much of each crop is grown/produced? What are the numbers of livestock raised? How does your county rank in comparison to other counties in Montana? Amount of money the county makes off of agricultural products. Any other stats/interesting facts you find that relate to agriculture in your county.
Sources: Websites, articles, newspaper, journals, books, encyclopedias, etc. Write these sources on a separate piece of paper to be handed in with your final project. You must have at least 3 sources!
7th Period Ag 1
Monday: Ag Awareness Article Review
Tuesday: Oxyfuel gas cutting and welding safety test, arc welding and cutting test
Wednesday-Friday: Oxy-Acetylene welding (flat beads)
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