Monday: Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Farm Business Management Unit (making a balance sheet, balance sheet evaluation)
2nd Period Ag 4
Monday: Ag Article/ Finish wildlife escape ladders
Tuesday-Wednesday: Research Clean Tech Competition Topics (
Students will identify a specific problem
Wednesday-Friday: Research Days
Tuesday-Wednesday: Research Clean Tech Competition Topics (
Students will identify a specific problem
Wednesday-Friday: Research Days
2016: “Making an Impact”
At roughly 4.5 billion years of age, Earth has survived many catastrophes in its history. Human beings are helping to create a catastrophe of a previously unforeseen magnitude thanks to our use of plastics and an ever-increasing demand for electricity. However detrimental the evolution of technology in the name of progress can be, there are solutions that can help Make an Impact from humans’ negative effects on our planet.
Your challenge is to identify a problem associated with plastics or the need for clean, cheap energy that helps Make an Impact from negative effects of these two areas. Your team will identify a specific problem, explain and analyze in detail, and design a solution that can mitigate these negative impacts.
3rd Period 7th Grade Ag
Monday: General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Guidelines/Rubric
Tuesday: AET (agricultural experience tracker) accounts: login and update accounts
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday:General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Rubric
Friday: Safety Poster

Monday: General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Guidelines/Rubric
Tuesday: AET (agricultural experience tracker) accounts: login and update accounts
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday:General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Rubric
Friday: Safety Poster
Grade Agriculture - Safety Poster Guidelines
Rule I was Assigned:___________________________________________________________
You will make a poster that depicts a safety rule and the
consequences of NOT following it. Keep
in mind this is an individual assignment!
You may get ideas and suggestions from your group members but you must
complete the poster by yourself. This
safety poster may have words written on it and must clearly depict the safety
rule. These posters will be displayed
around the room/shop as reminders to students of the safety rules. Please make sure they are easily seen. Be creative and
will use cardstock or poster board for their posters and include information to
explain their safety rule on the poster.
It would be in your best interest
to view the grading rubric
prior to starting your safety poster. By
doing so, you will have a better idea of how you will be graded on this
Students may draw, use magazine cutouts, or use computer
generated clipart or drawings on their poster.
Create the poster so another person can understand the
safety rule being shown without any other form of explanation.
Poster must be clearly seen from your desk when it is hung
on the wall.
Poster must be neat and organized.
Grading Rubric for Poster:

Grade for this poster is __________
5th Period Ag 3
Monday: Ag Articles/AET (agricultural experience tracker) accounts: login and update accounts
Tuesday-Friday: This class will be fabricating 2 bull feeders.
Monday: Ag Articles/AET (agricultural experience tracker) accounts: login and update accounts
Tuesday-Friday: This class will be fabricating 2 bull feeders.
6th Period 8th Grade Ag
Monday: General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Guidelines/Rubric
Tuesday: AET (agricultural experience tracker) accounts: login and update accounts
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday:General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Rubric
Friday: Safety Poster
7th Period: Ag 1
Monday: AET Accounts/Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Livestock Breeds Unit
Tuesday: AET (agricultural experience tracker) accounts: login and update accounts
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday:General Shop Safety Rules and Safety Poster Rubric
Friday: Safety Poster
7th Period: Ag 1
Monday: AET Accounts/Ag Article
Tuesday-Friday: Livestock Breeds Unit
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