Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 28-September 1

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture
Monday-Wednesday: Work on about me projects
Thursday-Friday: Present about me projects

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday-Wednesday: History of Floral Design posters and PowerPoints
Thursday: Present History of Floral Design PowerPoints and posters
Friday: Color Wheel Lesson

4th Period: Floriculture 
Monday-Wednesday: History of Floral Design posters and PowerPoints
Thursday: Present History of Floral Design PowerPoints and posters
Friday: Color Wheel Lesson

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: Finish Metallurgy Lesson
Tuesday: Metallurgy Vocab Quiz
Wednesday: Selecting welding equipment and supplies (advantages and disadvantages of welding processes)
Thursday: Symbol Reading
Friday: Symbol Reading

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Review Chapter 1 assignment, begin chapter 9 group project
Tuesday-Friday: Chapter 9 group project

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday: Greenhouse structure (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Tuesday-Friday: Greenhouse structure project

Greenhouse Structure Project
Directions:  Create a PowerPoint or Prezi answering the following questions
1.)            Describe the structure in detail
a.    What does it look like?

2.)           Picture of greenhouse

3.)           What are the pros and cons of your structure?

4.)           Is it ideal for our Ag program? Could we build it at WSS High School?

5.)           Cost? Estimate of cost of materials

6.)           What are the materials used to build your structure? Include pictures

7.)           Who/what type of businesses utilize this structure? Where would you most commonly see them?

8.)           What type of plants are commonly grown in this structure? Include pictures

9.)           What type of climate does this greenhouse do best in?

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