Friday, December 11, 2020

December 14-18

 1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday and Wednesday:

Work in Shop on individual wood projects 

Harvest of the month: Dairy (if time on Wednesday)

7th Period: Floriculture 


AET Accounts 

Harvest of the Month: Dairy (virtual farm tour of a dairy farm) 

Christmas Arrangement Prep work 

Farming Game (if time) 


Walk to flower shop to get flowers

Create Christmas floral arrangements

Floral Portfolio

Make Ice cream (if time) 

5th Period: Ag Welding


Welding Careers (watch video)

SMAW (various Joints) 

GMAW (various joints)

Individual shop projects (gate latches, can crusher, greenhouse heater, stools, artwork) 


SMAW (various Joints) 

GMAW (various joints)

Individual shop projects (gate latches, can crusher, greenhouse heater, stools, artwork) 

Friday, December 4, 2020

December 7-11

 1st Period: Junior High Ag


Kahoot (Shop Safety) 

Shop Safety Tests

Begin working in shop on various woodworking projects 


Shop Safety Tests (if any students need to re-take tests)

Work in shop on various woodworking projects 

7th Period: Floriculture 


Make Squash Pie

Finish AET Accounts (pencil, clipboard, journal entry and financial entry)

Review Farming Game rules and procedures for recording goals

Play Farming Game


Christmas Arrangements (Review page 360 in textbook) 

Draw Christmas arrangement or make clay model

YE Activity

Farming Game (if time) 

5th Period: Ag Welding 


Welding Career Video 

SMAW (various joints)

GMAW (various joints) 

Individual shop projects (can crusher, greenhouse heater, shop metal stools, gate latches)


AET Accounts (add journal and financial entry)

SMAW (various joints)

GMAW (various joints) 

Individual shop projects (can crusher, greenhouse heater, shop metal stools, gate latches)

Monday, November 30, 2020

November 30-December 4th

 1st Period: Junior High Ag


YE Auction

Reading a Ruler

Drawing to scale worksheet

Drawing plans (Front, side, top, 3-d)

Intro to shop safety 


Shop safety: go over rules and demo tools

Tool Identification


Draw blocks

Draw shop plans

YE Activity (if time) 

7th Period: Floriculture 


YE Auciton

Extemp Speeches (those who have not presented yet)

Thanksgiving arrangement portfolios

Harvest of the Month-Squash


Find squash recipes 

AET Accounts: Add SAE's to accounts

YE Activity

Farming Game

Read to 1st graders in library 

5th period: Ag Welding 


Ted Talk Tuesday 

SMAW (various joints with 6011,6013,7018 and 7014 rod)


AET Accounts


Friday, November 20, 2020

November 23-24

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period


9:00-10:00: Review and prepare for activities and lessons with the 3rd grade class

10:00-11:15: Work with 3rd graders for a Harvest of the Month Activity (summer and winter squash) 

11:15-12:10: Turkey Lesson 

Floriculture: 7th Period

Monday: Pick up flowers at flower shop and create cornucopia arrangements 

Social Media documentary on Netflix while making arrangement (if time allows)

Floral Portfolio if time

YE Buck Auction

Ag Welding: 5th Period


Weld for half of class and watch Social Media Documentary (The Social Dilema) for other half 

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 16-20

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period


Present Livestock Posters

Aquaculture Lesson (watch videos, fill out Venn Diagram, discuss importance of aquaculture and participate in overfishing activity)

Wildlife Lesson (watch reindeer and alligator farm video) and pick wildlife animal to research 


YE Buck Auction 

Finish Wildlife Project 

Harvest of the Month: Summer and Winter Squash 

Find squash recipe to make

Go over lesson we will be doing with 3rd grade class next week 

Floriculture: 7th Period


Thanksgiving Arrangements (pick flowers, vases/baskets, create raffle tickets and flyers)

Clay models of Thanksgiving Arrangements

 Extemporaneous speaking

Parli pro  (watch video and practice if time) 


Help Mrs. Heggen in the library with the book fair 

Welding: 5th Period


Ted Talk Tuesday 

SMAW for welding I students (working on various joints) 

Individual shop projects for Welding II and III (tractor seat stools and can crusher) 


AET journal entries on Computers 

SMAW for welding I students (working on various joints) 

Individual shop projects for Welding II and III (tractor seat stools and can crusher) 

Friday, November 6, 2020

November 9-13

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period

Monday: Triangle taste test (Food Science and Technology lesson) 

Work on Livestock poster 

Present posters if time 


Importance of Plants, Germination and Seed Requirements 

Aquaculture Lesson-Comparing different aquaculture productions/venn diagram/lesson with videos and guided notes/overfishing activity 

Wildlife Lesson (if time) 

Floriculture: 7th Period

Monday: Share brochures with the class

MoneyBowl Activity and go over the 3 markets in the economy

FFA CDE and LDE presentation 

JDAE virtual events for FFA members

Wednesday: Food Science and Technology Lesson (Triangle Test) 

Thanksgiving Arrangements (pick flowers and vases or cornucopias) 

Begin making clay models of arrangements

Ag Welding: 5th Period

Tuesday: MoneyBowl activity and introduce 3 markets of economy

SMAW-go over joints to be completed for the semester

Weld SMAW and Oxy-acetylene 

Thursday: AET journal entries

SMAW and Oxy-acetylene welding (various joints) 

Individual shop projects for Welding II and III (can crusher and welding stools) 

Friday, October 30, 2020

November 2-6

 1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: Welcome to Ag! (Go over syllabus and classroom routine)

Introduce YE bucks 

About Me project

Paper Airplane Activity (if time) 

Wednesday: Guest Speaker (MSU AgEd student) to present about FFA

Present About Me presentations 

7th Period: Floriculture


Complete Floral Portfolio for Pumpkin Arrangements

Logon to AET accounts and set up profiles and brainstorm SAE ideas (decide which category your SAE is in) 

Floral Career Brochure 


12:45-1:50: Complete Floral Career Brochure

1:50-2:30: Read with 1st graders in library 

2:30-3:40: YE Activity "Money Bowl" and watch John Stossel's Greed video series

Introduce 3 sectors of markets 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Tuesday: Oxy-acetylene and SMAW practice welding

Packet of SMAW joints to be completed will be passed out as well

Thursday: Oxy-acetylene and SMAW welding

YE Activity: "Moneybowl"

Watch Stossel videos

Introduce 3 markets of the economy 

Parent Teacher Conference Zoom Meeting Link

 Jenny Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Parent/Teacher Conferences 

Time: Nov 3, 2020 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 9158 2651

Passcode: n1HtBc

Friday, October 23, 2020

October 26th-October 30th

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period

Monday: Work in shop on projects 

Wednesday: Last day to work in shop on projects.  If students do not finish today they will need to come in on Friday and Finish.  Final YE Buck Auction 

Floriculture: 7th Period

Monday: FFA New Horizons Activities

Logon to AET and set up accounts 

Pumpkin Arrangement Prep (draw design on pumpkins and begin carving if time) 

Wednesday: Go to flower shop to pick up flowers and make pumpkin arrangements 

Ag Welding

Tuesday: SMAW Process


Welding Pattern Practice

Practice SMAW 

Continue Oxy-acetylene welding if not finished 

Thursday: Tintina Resources Field Trip (we will go on site and take a tour of the site-pending weather).  If field trip gets cancelled we will begin SMAW-practice welding and begin plate of stringer beads

Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 19-23

 Junior High Ag: 1st Period

Monday and Wednesday: Work in shop on various shop projects 

Floriculture: 7th Period


SAE for all (videos, presentation with guided notes and packet with activities) 

Pumpkin arrangement prep (flowers and supplies needed, rough draft of idea) 


Plasticine models of pumpkin arrangements  

FFA New Horizons Activity 

Ag Welding: 5th Period


Finish Electricity Lesson

SMAW: Equipment (PowerPoint and guided notes) 

SAE for all (packet) 

Oxy-Acetylene welding various joints 


SMAW: Process (PowerPoint and guided notes) 

SAE for all (packet) and AET accounts

Oxy-acetylene welding various joints 

Friday, October 9, 2020

October 12-16

 1st period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday: Safety Tests and work in shop on various woodworking projects 

Wednesday: Hannah will teach for an hour
go over SAEs with students 

7th Period: Floriculture 

 12:45-1:50:Harvest of the Month: Apples 

1:50-2:30: Read to 1st graders (show them the Brassicas Plant Life Cycle booklet each student made)

2:30-3:40: SAE (supervised agricultural experience) -what is an SAE, why is it important and what is your SAE? (guided worksheet with video and sites...SAE for All worksheet) 

Wednesday: AET (if time) 
Make apple recipe for harvest of the month 

5th Period: Ag Welding

SMAW introduction
Oxy-Acetylene Welding 

Thursday: No School 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

October 5-9

1st period: Junior High Agriculture

9:00-9:45: Shop Safety tests/work in shop on individual woodworking projects 
9:45-11:30: Virtual Escape room and vote for Royalty 
11:30-noon: Work in shop on projects 

Wednesday: Float decoration for homecoming 

7th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Harvest of the Month: Brassicas (Plant Life Cycle booklet) 
Floral Portfolios (students will make a PowerPoint that displays each of the arrangements they make throughout the semester) 
YE Auction 

Wednesday: Float decoration and parade for homecoming 

5th Period: Ag Welding

Tuesday: Career Packets (exploring careers through 
Oxy-acetylene welding (lap joints, T-joints and plate of beads) 

Thursday: Career Packets
Oxy-acetylene welding 

Friday, September 25, 2020

September 28-October 2nd

 1st Period: Junior High Agriculture


Ruler Worksheet 

Shop safety tests

Go over tools in the shop/demonstrate use of equipment and tools 

Livestock judging practice

Drawing plans for shop project 


Safety Tests

Begin working in shop 

YE buck Auction 

7th Period: Floriculture


Finish and test structures (built out of marshmallows and noodles) 

Decide what flowers/colors to use for bud vase arrangement 

Sculpt bud vases using plasticine 

Water garden/transplant seeds if time

Pass out permission slips (to walk to Garden Shop) 


Walk to Garden Shop and get flowers

Create arrangement (bud vase with roses and/or carnations) 

Floral Portfolio 

HOM (Harvest of the Month)-brassicas 

5th Period: Ag Welding


Career Profile Project 

Oxy-Actylene welding with rod (plate of beads, T-joint, lap weld) 


Career Profile Project 

Oxy-Actylene welding with rod (plate of beads, T-joint, lap weld) 

Friday, September 18, 2020

September 21-25

 1st Period: Junior High Agriculture


9:00-10:00: Check out books in library and read to Kindergarten class

10:00-11:30: Learn about the dairy industry (cattle, sheep, goats) 

11:30-noon: Walk to Branding Iron to buy ice cream and support the dairy industry 


Harvest of the month activity: Brassicas and the plant life cycle booklet 

YE Activity 

Shop Safety 

7th Period: Floriculture


Chapter 8: Review Chapter and answer questions 1-3, 5-7 and 9.  Answer Critical Thinking Question #1 

Create color wheel and complete color harmonies activity 

Structure building activity 

Go over Chapter 3 if time 

Check and water garden/transplant germinated seeds 


12:45-1:50:  Chapter 3 and Bud vases (overview of assignment/rubric, show examples and decide what flowers and vase students want to use) 

1:50-2:30: Read to 1st graders in the library 

2:30-3:40: Use plasticine to create model (maquette) of bud vase arrangement 

**Harvest of the Month : brassicas life cycle booklet (if time) 

5th Period: Ag Welding


Oxy-Actylene welding with rod


Oxy-Actylene welding with rod

YE Activity 

Friday, September 11, 2020

September 14-18th

 1st Period: Junior High Ag


Daily Agtivity Questions

Aquaculture lesson (learn about various aquaculture operations and perform over-fishing simulation) 

Tower Building Research 

Check germinating seeds and check school garden 


Daily Agtivity Questions

Tower Building activity 

SAE-PowerPoint and guided notes (Supervised Agriculutral Experience) 

Logon to and update profiles and enter SAE info

 7th Period: Foriculture


Daily Agtivity Questions

Finish History of Floral Design Posters

Present posters

Review Chapters 6-8 in textbook 

Discussion and guided notes/answer questions regarding the chapters

Check germinating seeds and check school garden 


Daily Agtivity Questions

Finish Chapters 6-8 

Color Wheel 

Chapter 3 (if time) 

Check germinating seeds and check school garden 

5th Period: Ag Welding 


Safety tests 

Go over welds to be graded for Oxy-acetylene welding 

Begin cutting metal and start oxy-acetylene welding 


Oxy-acetylene welding (various joints with and without rod) 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

September 7th-11th

 Monday: NO SCHOOL 


5th Period Ag Welding (12:45-3:40) 

Welding symbols and blueprints review (practice worksheet) 

Take safety tests (general shop safety, grinder, ironworker, metal band saw, and chop saw)

Heat Treatment demo (affects of heat on different types of metal)

Oxy-Acetylene worksheet (goes along with the class textbook) 

Oxy-Acetylene set up demo 


1st Period: Junior High Ag (9:00am-12:10)

Daily Agtivity Journal Entry 

Virtual Farm Tour (students will watch farm tour and answer guided questions) 

Garden work (compost, label plants, remove rocks/debris/garbage) 

11:00am: student council speeches and elections 

YE Buck Auction 

7th Period: Floriculture (12:45-3:40) 

Daily Agtivity Journal Entry

History of Floral Design Project

Transplant plants to school garden 

YE Buck Auction 


5th Period: Ag Welding (12:45-3:40pm) 

Safety Tests

Begin Oxy-acetylene welding (stringer beads on a plate) 

YE Buck Auction 

Friday, August 28, 2020

August 31-September 4th

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: Daily Agtivity  (Students will keep a journal that they write in everyday, answering an ag related question or writing about an ag related topic)

Introduction to YE (youth entrepreneurship)  bucks- classroom currency earned through various activities that can be spent on weekly auctions 

"Importance of Plants"-interactive lesson/discussion

What is germination?

Discuss a variety of seeds and their growth requirements (students will complete an interactive worksheet during this) 

Plant seeds

Wednesday: Daily Agtivity 

YE Buck activity (students will have an opportunity to earn YE bucks through this activity)

Make Harvest of the Month (cherry) recipe 

7th Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Daily Agtivity  (Students will keep a journal that they write in everyday, answering an ag related question or writing about an ag related topic)

Introduction to YE (youth entrepreneurship)  bucks- classroom currency earned through various activities that can be spent on weekly auctions 

"Importance of Plants"-interactive lesson/discussion

What is germination?

Discuss a variety of seeds and their growth requirements (students will complete an interactive worksheet during this) 

Transplant plugs into school garden

Wednesday: Daily Agtivia Journal Entry 

YE Buck activity (students will have an opportunity to earn YE bucks through this activity)

History of Floral Design Project 

Make Harvest of the Month (cherry) recipe 

5th Period: Ag Welding


Introduction to YE (youth entrepreneurship)  bucks- classroom currency earned through various activities that can be spent on weekly auctions 

Chapter 29:Heat Treatment of Metals 

Introduction to Blueprints and Reading symbols (if time allows) 


YE Buck activity-Paper Airplane Factory  (students will have an opportunity to earn YE bucks through this activity)

Introduction to Blueprints and Reading symbols (PowerPoint and guided notes along with short quiz at the end of the period if time allows) 

***Online learners, please check your emails for this week's assignments***

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August 26-28th

 Wednesday August 26th 

1st Period: Junior High Ag 9:00am-noon

Welcome Back! 

Syllabus/Class Procedures

Handbook changes 

Harvest of the Month: Cherries (lesson about cherries and cherry production in Montana)

Work in school garden (prune, pull weeds, stir ansdayd water compost) 

7th Period: Floriculture 12:45-3:40 

Welcome Back!

Syllabus/Class Procedures

Harvest of the Month: Cherries

Go over seeds to germinate and plant seeds

Work in garden (pull weeds) 

Thursday August 27th 

5th Period: Ag Welding 12:45-3:40

Welcome Back! 

Syllabus/Class procedures

Dual Enrollment through Gallatin College

Metallurgy lesson 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 16-20

Students please check your school emails for your schoolwork for the next two weeks.

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Welcome to Ag class, syllabus (signed syllabus due Friday), class routine, intro to YE bucks
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday, importance of Agriculture
Wednesday: Paper Airplane Factory
Thursday: Livestock Poster
Friday: Livestock Poster

1st Period: Floriculture 
Monday: Nutriental and Environmental Deficiencies and work on Agriscience experiment Agriscience Plant diseases and insects and pests
Tuesday: St. Patrick's Day candy arrangement
Wednesday-Friday: Plant Diseases, Insects and Pests (PowerPoint and guided notes)

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday-Friday: Hall of Chapter display, Scrapbook for state FFA and agriscience experiment

4th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Guest speaker: Montana Conservation Corp
Tuesday-Friday: STEM activity

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Friday: Last week to work on GMAW joints

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday-Friday: Various Woodworking projects

Sunday, March 8, 2020

March 9-13

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday-Wednesday: Work in shop on projects
Thursday: 3rd quarter activities

2nd Period:
Monday: Flower shop-get white flowers and start floral experiment
Tuesday and Wednesday: Nutritional deficiencies and environmental disorders in plants
Thursday: 3rd quarter activities

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday-Wednesday: Work on Hall of Chapter display and agriscience experiment
Thursday: 3rd quarter activities

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday-Wednesday: Work on 3-D landscape design models 
Thursday: 3rd quarter activities

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Wednesday: GMAW and SMAW joints
Thursday: 3rd quarter activities

6th Period:  Ag Woods
Monday-Wednesday: Work in shop on projects
Thursday: 3rd quarter activities

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2nd-6th

1st Period: Junior High 

Monday-Friday: Safety tests, work on plans and work in shop on small woodworking projects 

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday and Tuesday: Innovation Activity and flower experiment prep 
Wednesday: Invention Activity (make the product) 
Thursday: Ski Day
Friday: Invention Activity (pitch the product) 

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: Digestion System Disease Presentation 
Tuesday: Digestion System Disease Presentation 
Wednesday-Friday: Animal reproductive systems 

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday-Friday: Landscape Design 3-D model 

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Friday: GMAW various joints and SMAW overhead 

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday-Friday: Work in shop on various woodworking projects 

Monday, February 24, 2020

February 24-28th

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Present County Ag projects/Alphabet soup/Cowboy inkblot and numbers activity/YE buck Auction
Tuesday: Shop Safety
Wednesday: Study Safety rules
Thursday and Friday: Take safety tests and draw blocks (front, side, top, 3-D)

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Zip Code Demographics Activity
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/Innovation Activity
Wednesday: Innovation Activity
Thursday: Invention Activity
Friday: Invention Activity

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: Finish Kahoot Ag Trivia
Tuesday-Friday: Common Digestive Diseases (Students will be choosing a disease and writing a research paper about the disease)

4th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Landscape Design (create design using iScape app on phone)
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/create supplies and materials list for 3-D landscape model
Wednesday-Friday: Create 3-D landscape model

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Friday: Various GMAW welding joints and SMAW overhead welds

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Finish plans and decide type of wood to use/clean shop
Tuesday-Friday: Work in shop on various woodworking projects

Sunday, February 16, 2020

February 17-21

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: Montana County Ag Project
Tuesday: Montana County Ag Project
Wednesday: Present Projects
Thursday: Labeling Activity and inkblot/numbers activity
YE Buck Auction
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Floral Portfolio
Tuesday: Zip Code Look Up (Key Terms, PowerPoint and Guided notes) Introduce worksheet/research activity
Wednesday: Zip Code Look Up Worksheet
Thursday: Innovation Activity
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday: FFA Districts in Twin Bridges
Tuesday: FFA Week Prep
Wednesday and Thursday: Common Digestive Disease research
Friday: No School

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Thursday: Landscape Design
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday-Thursday: Various GMAW welds and SMAW overhead welds

Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday: Chapter 31: read chapter and answer questions 1-10 on page 818
Tuesday-Thursday: Work on various woodshop projects
Friday: No School

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Feb 10-14

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Montana County Ag Projects
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/MT county ag projects
Wednesday: Montana County Ag Projects
Thursday: Montana County Ag Projects
Friday: CNN 10/present projects

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Finish Focal Point Activity
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/ Plant and Flower ID
Wednesday: Pick up flowers from Garden Shop
Thursday: Create Valentine's Day arrangements
Friday: Create Senior night arrangements

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Finish ruminant digestion PowerPoint/Avian Digestion PowerPoint and guided notes.    Start digestion collage
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/ Digestion collage
Wednesday-Friday: Make and sell dog treats 

4th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Landscape Design rough draft
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/landscape design rough draft
Wednesday and Thursday: Landscape design-choose flowers, plants shrubs and trees
Friday: Share Eye Spy and YE Buck Auction 

5th Period:  Ag Welding
Monday-Friday: SMAW vertical overhead and GMAW various joint welds

6th Period: Ag Woods 
Monday: Brainstorm/draw plans for next project
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/draw plans and choose wood type
Wednesday: Chapter 31: Design options for woodworking
Thursday and Friday: Clean shop

Sunday, February 2, 2020

February 3-7th

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Present Livestock posters/Bridge Building Activity
Tuesday:-Thursday: Montana Counties Ag Project
Friday: PIT game/YE Auction

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: Chapter 8: Flower Selection
Tuesday: Valentine's Day Arrangements-discuss flowers and make a plant/flower list and draw rough draft of design (look at page 356 of textbook)
Wednesday: Hydroponics: How does it work? Different designs and set ups/what does it require to be successful? Plant seeds and set up system 
Thursday: Focal Point Activity
Friday: Plant/Flower ID Notebooks

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Ruminant Digestion
Tuesday: Ruminant Digestion
Wednesday: Digestion Collage activity
Thursday: Digestions Collage Activity
Friday: Common Digestive diseases in animals (both ruminant and monogastric)

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 
Monday: Eye Spy Activity/ Careers in the Horticulture Industry
Tuesday: Careers in Horticulture Industry
Wednesday: Landscape Design
Thursday: Landscape Design
Friday: Share Eye-Spy Activity and Landscape Design

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday-Friday: GMAW (plate of beads and various joints)/SMAW (overhead vertical up and down)

6th Period:  Ag Woods 
Monday-Friday: Various woodworking projects

Monday, January 27, 2020

January 27-31

1st Period: JH Agriculture 

Monday: Finish working on Livestock Posters
Tuesday: Present Livestock Posters/Ted Talk Tuesday
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday: YE Auction/bridge building activity
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Personal Branding Project
Tuesday: Personal Branding Project
Wednesday: Personal Branding Project
Thursday: Personal Branding Project due at end of class
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Animal Science 

Monday: Vet visit with 2 dogs for check up and ultrasound
Tuesday: Monogastric Digestion (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Wednesday: Monogastric Digestion
Thursday: Ruminant Digestion
Friday: No School

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Types of Fruit
Tuesday: Horticulture Industry
Wednesday: Careers in Horticulture
Thursday: Share Eye Spy/Careers in Horticulture Industry
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding   

Monday-Thursday: SMAW-Overhead Vertical up and down/GMAW plate build up

Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday:-Thursday: Woodworking projects (students are staining, gluing and sanding projects)

Friday: No School

Sunday, January 19, 2020

January 20-24

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Choose Livestock animal and introduce livestock poster project
Tuesday: Work on Livestock Poster
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday: YE Buck Auction Work on Livestock Poster
Friday:  Work on Livestock poster-due at beginning of class on Monday (the 27th)

Livestock Poster
Directions: Your poster needs to have LARGE print (so it can be read from the back of the classroom).  Use pieces of construction paper to back your text and pictures.  Your poster needs to have the following information:


**5 different breeds (pictures and names of each breed)

**Where did the breeds originate? (just type the place of origin for each breed)

**What are the traits of each breed? (describe key characteristics and what the breed looks like, key colors or color patterns)

**What is each breed used for? What is the purpose of the breed? List 2 purposes for each breed.  Include a total of 5 pictures. Example: a picture of steak if it is used for meat.

**Any other interesting facts you’ve found while researching your livestock animal

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Finish presenting Chapter 10 projects. Students will then choose a time era/design style they would like to make an arrangement for.  Create materials/plant/flower list and draw a rough draft of design
Tuesday: Plant/flower list and rough draft of floral design
Wednesday: Importance of brands/labels...why do we have them?
Thursday and Friday: Personal branding project

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: Conversions/make dog biscuits
Tuesday: Finish making dog biscuits
Wednesday-Friday: Ruminant digestive systems (PowerPoint and guided notes)

4th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Set up fruit ripening experiment/read "Growth stimulants, retardants and rooting hormones"/ "Eye Spy" Activity
Tuesday and Wednesday: Fruit Function and Anatomy/Types of Fruit
Thursday and Friday: Understanding the horticulture industry and exploring horticulture career options

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: GMAW and FCAW test/practice GMAW running beads
Tuesday-Friday: GMAW various joints and SMAW vertical and overhead welding

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday-Friday: Students are working on various woodworking projects

Sunday, January 12, 2020

January 13-17-first week of 2nd semester

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Junior High Ag (8th grade) class overview/guidelines and course outline
Introduction to YE Bucks
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday
What is Ag? What interests you in Ag and what do you want to learn this quarter
Wednesday: Paper Airplane Factory
Thursday: Livestock Poster
Friday: Livestock poster 

2nd Period: Floriculture 
Monday: Chapter 10: Principles of Floral Design (page 258-267) Students will be choosing a Traditional Design Classification and creating a presentation to teach the class about their classification.
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/work on Chapter 10 presentation
Wednesday and Thursday: Chapter 10 presentation
Friday: Present Chapter 10 projects/play PIT game

3rd Period: Animal Science 
Monday: Visit to vet with dog for check-up and rabies shot
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/conversions in the vet industry-why are they important
Wednesday and Thursday: Conversions activity/homemade dog treats conversion for ingredients
Friday: Make dog treats

4th Period: Greenhouse management 
Monday: Plant physiology (photosynthesis and respiration)
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/ understanding light, temperature, air and water effects on plant growth
Wednesday: understanding light, temperature, air and water effects on plant growth
Thursday: understanding plant growth regulators
Friday: Market/trade  key terms and play PIT game

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday: GMAW/FCAW PowerPoint and guided notes
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/ GMAW/FCAW PowerPoint and guided notes
Wednesday: GMAW/FCAW review and quiz
Thursday and Friday: Practice running beads with GMAW

6th Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Shop safety/rules review and work on projects in shop
Tuesday: Ted Talk Tuesday/work on woodshop projects
Wednesday-Friday: Work on woodshop projects

Sunday, January 5, 2020

January 6-10

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday and Tuesday Work in shop on projects
Wednesday-Friday: Semester Tests

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Key Terms dealing with trade and simple negotiations
Tuesday: PIT game (after playing this game students will learn about trade and simple negotiations, and focus on the economic principle of comparative advantage)
Wednesday-Friday: Semester Tests

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday: Clinical Exams: procedures for taking TPR and "12 areas to examine" worksheet
Tuesday: Clinical Exams: History and Physical form
Wednesday-Friday: Semester Tests

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Bead-Ville Activity
Tuesday: Entrepreneurship mindset and vision test
Wednesday-Friday: Semester Tests

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday and Tuesday: SMAW various joints
Wednesday-Friday: Semester Tests

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday and Tuesday: Students are working on various woodworking projects
Wednesday-Friday: Semester Tests