Sunday, January 19, 2020

January 20-24

1st Period: Junior High Ag
Monday: Choose Livestock animal and introduce livestock poster project
Tuesday: Work on Livestock Poster
Wednesday: Ski Day
Thursday: YE Buck Auction Work on Livestock Poster
Friday:  Work on Livestock poster-due at beginning of class on Monday (the 27th)

Livestock Poster
Directions: Your poster needs to have LARGE print (so it can be read from the back of the classroom).  Use pieces of construction paper to back your text and pictures.  Your poster needs to have the following information:


**5 different breeds (pictures and names of each breed)

**Where did the breeds originate? (just type the place of origin for each breed)

**What are the traits of each breed? (describe key characteristics and what the breed looks like, key colors or color patterns)

**What is each breed used for? What is the purpose of the breed? List 2 purposes for each breed.  Include a total of 5 pictures. Example: a picture of steak if it is used for meat.

**Any other interesting facts you’ve found while researching your livestock animal

2nd Period: Floriculture
Monday: Finish presenting Chapter 10 projects. Students will then choose a time era/design style they would like to make an arrangement for.  Create materials/plant/flower list and draw a rough draft of design
Tuesday: Plant/flower list and rough draft of floral design
Wednesday: Importance of brands/labels...why do we have them?
Thursday and Friday: Personal branding project

3rd Period: Animal Science
Monday: Conversions/make dog biscuits
Tuesday: Finish making dog biscuits
Wednesday-Friday: Ruminant digestive systems (PowerPoint and guided notes)

4th Period: Greenhouse Management
Monday: Set up fruit ripening experiment/read "Growth stimulants, retardants and rooting hormones"/ "Eye Spy" Activity
Tuesday and Wednesday: Fruit Function and Anatomy/Types of Fruit
Thursday and Friday: Understanding the horticulture industry and exploring horticulture career options

5th Period: Ag Welding
Monday: GMAW and FCAW test/practice GMAW running beads
Tuesday-Friday: GMAW various joints and SMAW vertical and overhead welding

6th Period: Ag Woods
Monday-Friday: Students are working on various woodworking projects

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