Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 26-30

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: Tools in the shop (orbital sander, hammer, nails, tour/where tools are located in the shop)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Drawing plans/3-D objects

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Hall of Chapter board (glue trim and letters)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Agri-science report

3rd Period: Advanced Ag 

Monday-Wednesday: Various shop projects (build rack for hand grinders, take apart wooden shelf)

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday-Wednesday: Draw plans for school garden (map out to scale where plants will be planted, walkways, drip irrigation and fencing)

5th Period: Agriculture Welding

Monday-Wednesday: State FFA prep (practice ag mechanics tests, work on Hall of Chapter display, Ag Sales prep)

6th Period: Agriculture Woods

Monday: Router work (page 84-91)
Tuesday: Router demonstration and practice using a router
Wednesday: State FFA prep (Hall of Chapter display and ag mechanics tests)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Friday: Plant ID and Agri-science reports

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 19-23

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Monday: School Garden plans
Tuesday: Ag Day with Elementary students in multi-purpose room (school garden activity)
Wednesday: Tools in the shop and live video chat with Sage Grouse Challenge
Thursday: Tools in the shop
Friday: Drawing plans/ 3-D drawings

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Stain plywood for Hall of Chapter
Wednesday: Stain plywood for Hall of Chapter
Thursday and Friday: Brainstorm ideas for Hall of Chapter display and begin decorating board

3rd Period: Advanced Ag 

Monday: Cut boards for Hall of Chapter
Tuesday: Sharpen hand planer blades
Wednesday-Friday: Various shop projects (build rack for hand grinders, take apart wooden shelf)

4th Period: Floriculture

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday: Plans for school garden (location, plants to grow, soil, water, raised beds, etc.)
Wednesday: Visit from Jenney Paddock to help with school garden plans
Thursday and Friday: Draw plans for school garden

5th Period: Agriculture Welding

Monday-Friday: Gate latches and Hall of Chapter display

6th Period: Agriculture Woods

Monday: How to hand plane, parts of a hand planer, and how to adjust blade
Tuesday: Practice using hand planer
Wednesday: squaring, marking and cutting stock
Thursday and Friday: Project plans, materials list, methods list

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Friday: Plant ID notebook and build greenhouse

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 5-9

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture

Monday-Wednesday: The Importance of Ag Mechanics and Technology, ag mechanics collage

Thursday: Measuring Skills and the importance of measuring
Friday: No School

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: Begin Agriscience experiment (pick up flowers and set up experiment)
Tuesday-Thursday: Agriscience experiment (record data each day, research, and write up)
Friday: No School

3rd Period: Advanced Ag

Monday: Economic Challenge
Tuesday-Thursday: Sandwich Boards for hospital
Friday: No School

4th Period: Floricutlure

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: Final Draft of Landscape Design
Friday: No School

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday-Friday: Gate Latches
Friday: No School

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Monday: Clean Shop
Tuesday-Thursday: Chapter 13: Construction methods
Friday: No School

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks
Tuesday-Thursday: Construct greenhouse (assemble and install roof vents)
Friday: No School