Thursday, January 28, 2021

February 1-5th

 Welding: 8th Period


Ag Sales Practice

MCIS (20 minutes) 

Welding I: Safety Tests, oxy-acetylene welding (plate of beads with and without rod) 

Welding II: TIG welding (plate of beads with rod) 

Certification welds (choose process and position-1G, 2G, 3G or 4G) 


Sales Practice

MCIS (20 minutes) 

Ag Mechanics practice

Welding I: Oxy-acetylene 

Welding II: TIG and certification welds 

Greenhouse Management: 4th Period


Review Personal Inventory List

FBM Lesson 3: Financial Analysis 

YE Marketing Activity (students will invent or use an existing product to market)

Valentine's Day Arrangement: Make clay model or drawing of arrangement with list of supplies and flowers to order 


FBM Lesson 4: Budget Analysis

Walk to flower shop to pick up flowers

Make Senior Night Arrangements 

Work on Marketing Activity 

Ag Woods: 6th Period


Watch "how to make a dovetail by hand" video 

Ruler worksheet

Practice dovetails

Draw plans for 1st project and begin working on project


PIT game (to earn YE bucks) 

Work in shop on individual projects 

Monday, January 25, 2021

January 25-29

Wg Welding: 8th Period


Practice Ag Sales 

MCIS (20 minutes) 

Review Oxy-Acetylene with Callie for Welding I and go over welding symbols 

Safety Tests 

TIG and SMAW Practice

Plans for projects this year 


1:00 pm: FFA member interview with local radio station 

Practice Sales 

MCIS (20 minutes) 

Callie-practice Oxy-Acetylene welding 

SMAW and TIG welding practice 

Certification welds (review specs) 

Greenhouse Management: 4th Period


Make Garlic Parmesan Roasted Carrots

Hydroponics Review (set up our hydroponic system) 

Germinate seeds 

Fix Greenhouse

Introduction to Farm Business Management (FBM)-PowerPoint and guided notes 

FBM Lesson 2: Record Keeping (personal inventory form and "Taking Inventory to Make a Balance Sheet" article


Make Carrot and Pumpkin Muffins 

FBM Lesson 3: Financial Analysis 

Introduce Invention Activity and brainstorm ideas

 Ag Woods: 6th Period


Go over sandpaper grits

Review drill bits and what they are used for 

Dovetail joints (video) 

Practice dovetail and finish push sticks

Make lumber list for first project 


Fastener types and ways to join wood (Chapter 7) 

YE Activity to earn YE Bucks 

Measuring tools (review how to read a tape measure) 

Fix dust collector on table saw 

Fix up containers for FFA fundraiser (Ag Woods II) 

Clean cooler 

Monday, January 18, 2021

January 18-22

Ag Welding  

Monday: No School 


MCIS (20 minutes at the beginning of class) 

Welding Career Video 

Welding II and III: Practice SMAW and TIG welding (various joints and positions) 

Welding I: Read Chapter 12 and 13 and answer questions at the end of each chapter (oxy-fuel welding) 

Greenhouse Management 

9:00-10:00: Prep for elementary and teach elementary about carrots (3rd grade classroom)

10:00-11:00: Hydroponics lesson, set up our hydroponics system and germinate seeds

11:00-12:00: Introduction to Farm and Business Management (PowerPoint and Guided Notes) 

Introduction to YE Marketing Activity 


9:00-10:00: Make carrot recipes 

10:00-11:00: Farm Business Management Lesson 2 (record Keeping) 

11:00-12:00: Work on YE Marketing Activity 

Ag Woods


Board Feet worksheet, review formula and take Board Feet quiz

Drawing Plans and blueprints (draw blocks)

Types of Fasteners/ways to join wood

Woods I: Careers in Woodworking

Woods II: clean dust collector


Woods I: Careers in woodworking (finish today if you did not finish on Tuesday)

Woods II: Draw plans and come up with list of materials for first woodshop project

Both classes: Dovetail joints/practice making dovetails out in the shop

Woods I: Begin making push stick 

YE Activity for both classes 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 11-15

 8th Period: Ag Welding


Class Syllabus 

Go over Dual Enrollment Requirements/expectations 

Review welding symbols and blueprints

Safety in the shop 

Review TIG welding (watch TIG video) 

Review SMAW joints completed last year

Take safety tests 

MCIS (students will logon to their Montana Career Information Systems account and begin assessments) 

Work on TIG and SMAW if time


MCIS (20 minutes at the beginning of class) 

Welding Career Video 

YE Buck Activity

Go over Certification process 

Review Symbols and Blueprints

Practice TIG and SMAW 

4th Period: Greenhouse Management 


Class Syllabus

YE Bucks-introduction to Youth Entrepreneurship program 

YE Activity 

Decorate shop Bulletin Board

Review Types of Greenhouses

Compost (add water and stir compost bin) 

Discuss/research ways to heat a greenhouse

Analyze our solar powered heater/set up heater if time  


Solar Powered heater (set it up in the greenhouse)

Harvest of the month-carrots

Plan activity to complete with elementary students 

Find carrot recipe to make 

Importance of plants 

6th Period: Ag Woods


Class Syllabus

YE Bucks/YE Activity

Shop Safety 

Tool Demonstration 

Types of wood/Introduction to Woods Packet

Issue Textbooks  


Shop Safety Tests

Wood ID quiz 

Drawing Plans/Blueprints 

Calculating Board Feet (worksheet) 

Types of Fasteners 

Monday, January 4, 2021

January 4-8

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 


Dairy Virtual Farm Tour (watch video and answer guided questions) 

Dairy Breeds

Finish woodshop projects


Clean woodshop 

Make ice cream 

YE Buck activity and auction 

7th Period: Floriculture 


AET accounts

Corsages and Boutonnieres (page 290-300) watch video 

Make corsages and boutonnieres 

Farming Game


YE activity and auction 

Read in libraries with 1st graders

Make candy arrangements 

Farming Game

5th Period: Ag Welding


Finish SMAW and GMAW various joints

Work on individual shop projects 


Semester tests for 1st, 2nd, 5th and 7th periods