Monday, August 26, 2019

August 26-August 30th

1st Period: Junior High Ag

Monday: Present About Me PowerPoints
Tuesday: What is agriculture? Importance of agriculture (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Wednesday: Ag Walk around school campus (we will walk as a class around campus to find products produced with ag)
Thursday: Livestock Poster
Friday: Livestock Poster

2nd Period: Floriculture

Monday: History of Floral Design
Tuesday: History of Floral Design (poster is due at beginning of class on Wednesday)
Wednesday: Present posters. Begin Chapter 8-page 156-166 (discuss color and complete color diagram). Start color wheel
Thursday: Color Wheel
Friday: Continue Chapter 8 (page 166-173)

3rd Period: Animal Science 

Monday: FFA  meeting prep and thank you card writing
Tuesday-Thursday: Careers in Animal Science (students will make a brochure that gives information about 2 Animal Industry careers)
Friday: Labor day rodeo fundraiser prep

4th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: Plant ID Notebooks and plant seeds (lettuce, radish and basil)
Tuesday-Friday: Repair greenhouse and set up solar panel heater

5th Period: Ag Welding

Monday: Soldering, brazing and welding sample videos. Chapter 29: Heat Treatment of Metals (read chapter and complete comprehensive worksheet)
Tuesday: Chapter 29
Wednesday-Friday: Reading and understanding welding symbols

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: Share Woodworking careers with class. Chapter 9: Wood Read chapter and complete comprehensive worksheet
Tuesday: Chapter 9 worksheet
Wednesday: Chapter 9 wood types and their purpose
Thursday: Chapter 10 and Chapter 11
Friday: Tools in the wood shop

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

August 19-23rd

1st Period: Junior High Agriculture 

Wednesday: Class procedures/ all school assembly
Thursday:  Class overview/course syllabus (signed syllabus due August 27th). Introduce About Me PowerPoint Project
Friday: About Me PowerPoint Project
About Me Project
Directions: You will create a PowerPoint with pictures and words that tell myself and your classmates about yourself.  For each of the following topics, find a picture either by searching on the internet or uploading from your phone.

First slide: Title slide with a title, your name and a picture of yourself!

Slide 2: This makes me happy (find a picture of something that makes you happy)
Slide 3: This makes me sad (find a picture of something that makes you sad)
Slide 4: This makes me proud
Slide 5: This makes me cry
Slide 6: This makes me laugh
Slide 7: This makes me scared
Slide 8: This makes me tap my toes and sing along (what is your favorite kind of music?)
Slide 9: This makes me tired
Slide 10: This makes me cranky
Slide 11: This makes me motivated (what motivates you?)
Slide 12: This makes me hungry (what is your favorite food?)
Slide 13: This makes me feel studious (what is your favorite subject in school?)
Slide 14: This makes me colorful (what is your favorite color?)

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Wednesday: Class overview/course syllabus (signed syllabus due August 27th)
Thursday: History of Floral Design 
Friday: History of Floral Design 

History of Floral Design
Directions: Each of you will choose 2 time eras (pg 28-43) and read the sections.  Once you have read your sections, you will gather information and pictures to create a poster.  Put your information for both time era’s on the same poster.

Your poster should have the following information for EACH time era:

1.)   A description about the design schemes used in that era.  Describe what the floral arrangements looked like, the type of flowers they used, popular colors, types of vases or pots they used, etc.

2.)   If your book lists events that arrangements were used at, list them

3.)   If your book lists why certain flowers were used, explain the meaning/history/symbolism

4.)   Find 2 pictures of arrangements from EACH time era

5.)   Make sure there is a title with the time period (example: ROME 28 BC-325 CE)

List your 2 time era’s here and any notes you take while reading your section:

3rd Period: Animal Science  

Wednesday: Class overview/course syllabus (signed syllabus due August 27th)
Thursday: Careers in the Animal Science Industry 
Friday: Careers in the Animal Science Industry 

4th Period: Greenhouse Management  

Wednesday: Class overview/course syllabus (signed syllabus due August 27th)
Thursday: Class Advisory 
Friday: Work in school garden 

5th Period: Ag Welding  

Wednesday: Class overview/course syllabus (signed syllabus due August 27th)
Thursday: Issue textbooks 
Lesson 1: Metallurgy (discussion, key terms)
Friday: Continue lesson 1: Metallurgy

6th Period: Ag Woods 

Wednesday: Class overview/course syllabus (signed syllabus due August 27th)
Thursday and Friday: Careers in woodworking (students will research and present to the class about various woodworking careers)