Friday, December 14, 2018

December 17-21

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Christmas Arrangements
Tuesday: Christmas Arrangements
Wednesday: Christmas Arrangement Raffle/deliver arrangements to winners
Thursday: Holiday Celebration
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

3rd Period: Animal Science 

Monday: Avian Digestion
Tuesday: Avian Digestion and digestion metaphor project
Wednesday: Digestion metaphor project
Thursday: Holiday Celebration
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed 

Monday-Thursday: Work in shop on projects
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

5th Period: Ag Welding 

Monday-Thursday: SMAW and GMAW joints and basketball racks

Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday-Thursday: Wood shop projects (boxes, pedestal and chicken coop)
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

7th Period: Greenhouse Management 

Monday-Wednesday:Greenhouse Component Group Project
Thursday: Holiday Celebration
Friday: Half Day/Activity Day with entire school

Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 10-14

2nd Period: Floriculture 

Monday: Chapter 3 (read and review)
Tuesday: Chapter 3: Answer questions 1-20 on page 72
Wednesday: Christmas Floral Arrangements
Thursday: Christmas Floral Arrangements
Friday: Read to Elementary students

3rd Period: Animal Science

Monday : Chicken wing and leg dissection lab analysis
Tuesday: Chicken wing and leg dissection lab analysis
Wednesday: Avian digestion (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Thursday: Avian digestion (PowerPoint and guided notes)
Friday: Read to Elementary students

4th Period: Advanced Tech Ed
Monday-Friday: Work in shop on group projects

5th Period: Ag Welding 
Monday-Friday: SMAW and GMAW joint welds and welding II students are working on basketball racks

6th Period: Ag Woods

Monday: Dovetail joints by hand (Woods II is working on a chicken coop and pedestal)
Tuesday: Dovetail joints by hand (Woods II is working on a chicken coop and pedestal)
Wednesday and Thursday: Joint of choice practice (Woods II is working on a chicken coop and pedestal)
Friday: Wood types and purposes (hardwood vs softwood).  Choose wood type for next project (Woods I will be making boxes)

7th Period: Greenhouse Management

Monday: Plant ID
Tuesday-Friday: Greenhouse Component Research Assignment

Greenhouse Component Research Assignment

You and your team will need to research the below greenhouse components and each possible option for each type of component.  (Example:  Four types of greenhouse coverings: Glass, Polyethylene, Fiberglass, Polycarbonate.)  For each option you need to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, include a picture of the component and finally choose what one you will use for your greenhouse model and why.  In addition, each member of the team will need to make an educational poster on one component type.  Each member’s poster should be on a different component.

Component types to be researched:
            Structure Type
            Greenhouse Coverings
            Heating and Cooling/Circulation
            Propagation Benches
            Water and fertilizer systems

Grade Criteria

Seven Components    
            Complete list of possibilities                                     30 pts              _____              _____

            Descriptive Advantages/Disadvantages                     50 pts              _____              _____

            Pictures                                                                       20 pts              _____              _____

            Selection of your component and reasoning              20 pts              _____              _____

            Total                                                                           120 pts             _________________
Educational Value                                                      40 points         _____              _____

Neatness                                                                     10 points         _____              _____

Completeness                                                             10 points         _____              _____

Design/Color                                                              20 points         _____              ____

Simplicity/Accuracy                                                  20 points         _____              _____
                        (20 words or less)  (Includes Spelling)

Total                                                                           100 points                   _________________