Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week of 10/7/2013- 10/11/2013

Period 1 Ag IV

Monday: Chapter 3: complete worksheet
Tuesday: Renewable and nonrenewable resources part 2
Wednesday: Renewable and nonrenewable resources part 2 
Thursday: Chapter 4: The Administration of Wildlife Management 
Friday: Chapter 4: The Administration of Wildlife Management
NRS.01..01.01.a Identify natural resources.
NRS.01..01.01.b Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable natural resources
NRS.01..01.01.c Research and debate one or more current issues related to the conservation or preservation of natural resources.

Period 2 Ag III

Monday: Chapter 1: Introduction to Forestry 
Tuesday: Chapter 1 continued
Wednesday: Chapter 1 vocab 
Thursday: Chapter 1 review questions
Friday: Chapter 1 review questions 

Period 4 Advanced Ag

Students are working on individual projects.

Period 5 Ag I

Monday: Introduce Livestock Production Unit 
Tuesday: Livestock Production Project 
Wednesday: Livestock Production Project
Thursday: Livestock Production Project
Friday:Livestock Production Project
AS.01.01.01.a Define major components of the animal industry.
AS.07.01.01.a Identify facilities needed to house and produce each animal species safely and efficiently.
AS.07.01.02.a Identify equipment and handling facilities used in modern animal production.

Period 6 Ag II

Monday: Plant Taxonomy 
Tuesday:Plant Taxonomy 
Wednesday: Plant Anatomy 
Thursday: Plant Anatomy 
Friday:Plant Anatomy
PS.01.01.01.a Explain systems used to classify plants.
PS.01.01.01.b Compare and contrast the hierarchical classification of agricultural plants.
PS.01.01.02.a Describe the morphological characteristics used to identify agricultural plants.
PS.01.01.02.b Identify agriculturally important plants by common names.
PS.01.01.02.c Identify agriculturally important plants by scientific names.
PS.01.02.02.a Identify the components, the types and the functions of plant roots.
PS.01.02.03.a Identify the components and the functions of plant stems.
PS.01.02.04.a Discuss leaf morphology and the functions of leaves.
PS.01.02.05.a Identify the components of a flower, the functions of a flower and the functions of flower components.
PS.01.02.06.a Explain the functions and components of seeds and fruit. 

Period 7 Intro to Ag

Monday:Present Montana County Ag project 
Tuesday: Introduce Ag Careers Unit 
Wednesday: Ag Careers project 
Thursday: Ag Careers project
Friday: Ag Careers Project 

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